30 definitions by Viscount Druitt

The holy grail of quaaludes. Endorsed by Jordan Belfort(Leonardo DiCaprio) andDonny Azoff,(Jonah Hill) from the Wolf of Wall Street.
Jordan Belfort: The closest pay hone I could get to was at the Brookfield Country Club. It was a real WASP stronghold. It was a mile down from my house.

After 15 years in storage the Lemmons (Lemmon 417) have developed a delayed fuse. It took 90 minutes for these little fuckers to kick in and once they did, POW! I mean I skipped the tingle phase and went straight to the drool phase. These little bastards were so strong I discovered a whole new phase, the cerebral palsy phase.

C'mon, stand up. Okay, walking's out. Alright think, what else is there? Yes, I can crawl. I can crawl like Skyler. FUCK, the kid makes it look so God Damned easy. Think motherfucker, think. Yes, I got it! I can roll.
by Viscount Druitt September 4, 2023
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A place in the office where sex with hookers are off limits. The origin is from the Wolf of Wall Street, Staring Leonardo DiCaprio and Jonah Hill, directed by Martin Scorceses.
During the hours between 9 and 6 Straton-Oakmont was a Fuck free Zone.

-Jordan Belfort
by Viscount Druitt January 10, 2023
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