375 definitions by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY

No the Knights Who until recently said ne Actually Say Icky-Icky-Icky-Ptang-Zoop-Boing! followed (muffle noise unable to make out sound) this is pronounced "eky eky Pitang zoop bong." proof of this is in the subtitles for all you people who illegally downloaded it! And Graham Chapman came back from the dead and told me so himself. so Have that, Ne
"a shrubbery"
no you are ponucing it Wrong it's Pi-Tang
Get on with it
"Scene Twenty-Four"
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY March 29, 2005
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A British three peice mod revival band from the 70's and 80's.
The Jams most famous song is probably A Town Called Malice.
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY September 14, 2005
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A workplace, or any large group, consisting entirely of women.
"Poor Bob. I mean, his new job pays well but he works in an utter vaginocracy."
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY May 22, 2005
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Stoner Rock is a loosely termed genre of music that has heavy guitar riffs that are somewhat repetitive and hypnotic. It's closest relatives would be blues, rock, hard rock and metal (of all types). The music is choppy, bassy and almost always distorted to some degree with different types of vocals, mostly male, which tend to blend and harmonize with the music. The guitars are often tuned to D or open D to get that low sound of metal-like distortion that the standard E tuning doesn't offer. The term "stoner rock" most likely comes from the perceived association of smoking marijuana and the fans of this music. However, smoking marijuana is not necessary to enjoy the music. These are some of the bands considered to be stoner rock: T-Rex, Kyuss, Monster Magnet, Wolfmother, Black Sabbath, Fu Manchu, QOTSA.
Stoner Rock is fun to play on the guitar because of its simplicity in basic form; playing it is as simple as tuning the low E of your guitar down to D, then play the low D, A and D strings (the top three) open. From there, you can hit the 3rd fret and noodle the 5th fret on the same three strings - start playing this, while allowing the open strings to resonate between strums on the 3rd and 5th frets - you're playing the beginnings of Stoner Rock!
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY April 9, 2007
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obviously a childish word for penis, derived from the farsie language. as english we have the word 'pee pee' or 'shot gun handle' farsie has the child word for penis, which is doodool
my doodool sprung into action when i found out my g/f was looken to rub my magical crystal

person a: hey man whats up

person b: my doodool hes reached his super saign level

person c: do you now what time ride-on bus 61 should be here?
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY April 15, 2005
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Greatest rappers, all the new rappers are trendy faggets and Bone raps about what real thugs do, no one can be better, greatest rappers straight outta Cleveland
i feel so violent violent fucking with the exctasy
bone thugz baby
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY May 24, 2005
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To submerge ones face in large breasts and moving your head back and forth, flapping your lips, in turn making a motorboat sound.
I just motorboated Marygrace, I almost suffocated in those funbags but it was superb.
by UrBaN dIcTiOnArY November 27, 2006
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