13 definitions by U8IK

relocating to somewhere hot & humid, generally SE Asia (Thailand / Vietnam / Indonesia etc)

it originated with the military to describe GI's that retired / never left the South Pacific- disappearing and living out their life in a foreign environment.
These travellers and folks have Gone Bamboo.
by U8IK March 16, 2020
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Stepping back then back again in a country over a short period of time (ie same day) - in order to reset/extend the period of days a non-resident can stay in a country.
Most foreign visitors to Thailand are granted a 30 day visa on arrival in Thailand. Staying longer requires a new visa, and the fastest & most economical means of getting it is a visa run: exit Thailand and return.
by U8IK May 13, 2008
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a state of well-being, state of plenty - derived after a famous country/western serial in which everything ended joyfully, and the mood was all-happy
oh, you should have come, it was a beach bunny bonanza, bikinis every where you looked. oh boy!
by U8IK January 14, 2007
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Intentionally posing in other people's photos, for a later surprise.
Usually people making funny faces in the background, without the knowledge of the main subjects of the photo.
Jim is always photobombing, he messed ups some of the best photos from the wedding.
by U8IK May 6, 2008
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Embrace, Extend, and Extinguish.
variant: "embrace, extend, and exterminate"
"Embrace, extend, and extinguish" (EEE), ... is a phrase that the U.S. DoJ found was used internally by Microsoft to describe its strategy for entering product categories involving widely used standard , extending those standards with proprietary capabilities, and then using those differences in order to strongly disadvantage its competitors.
by U8IK March 16, 2020
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a geeky backpacker - youngsters which always carry around a backpack stuffed with 'indispensable' gadgetry: laptop, pda, gps etc

also referring to a backpacker with better budget - independent travelers with money to spend.
Your flashpacker friend couldn't possibly enjoy a coffee away from Google. Ok, let's go to Starbucks, they have WiFi there
by U8IK October 24, 2007
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Dear twatpackers, here's the deal - if you refuse to pay more than $10 for a room don't complain when it's not very nice.
by U8IK December 21, 2009
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