13 definitions by U8IK

Dear twatpackers, here's the deal - if you refuse to pay more than $10 for a room don't complain when it's not very nice.
by U8IK December 21, 2009
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Acronym for Getting Things Done. Usually refers to a task management application - a somehow fancier to do list you can mantain on your computer.
Can you recommend me a GTD app for Mac?
by U8IK January 4, 2008
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The act of hunting for new words and phrases.
urbandictionary, wordspy.com 2 of the best known resources of lexpionage
by U8IK February 18, 2007
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A desperate craving for freedom, a compulsive need for traveling around.
Don't let yourself be fooled by Jeff. He seems such a nice guy but he's eleutheromania keeps knocking. He'll be out the door in less than a month.
by U8IK June 5, 2007
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Destroy Your Liver. Assimilating large quantities of alcohool that would result in high spirits and painfull liver. Your liver must be punished!
Went out on a DYL night out with my buddies.
by U8IK February 25, 2008
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people with a very big variety of interests (jacks of all trades, polymaths etc) often to the point that they don't know what to choose as they don't want to give up their other interests
Jim has tried this and that but still hasn't decided on a clear path, he is, I guess, what you call a scanner. Sadly, he's in his early thirties.
by U8IK March 25, 2011
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