52 definitions by Travelingmankc

A marketing strategy designed to enhance the perceived worth, attractiveness or virtue of a person, product or service by pairing it with a trendy "socially conscious" movement or concept.
By claiming they only used locally grown, organic produce whenever possible, they were able to get $15.00 for two tiny, nearly tasteless vegetarian tacos. This was an example of a pc gimmick at its finest.
by Travelingmankc May 16, 2020
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A period in a person's life during which everything seems to be going wrong, but though the individual feels plagued by a series or massing of inconvenient occurrences, they are in fact petty annoyances, which even in aggregate are far less severe than an actual tragedy, such as a terminal illness or the loss of a loved one.
I was feeling really down about all the stuff that's been happening lately, but upon reflection I realize everything's just part of a crapisode, and I've weathered those before.
by Travelingmankc August 17, 2018
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A portmanteau of "hip" and "sharp"; usually used to describe a person's look or manner of dress.
That dude is always in the latest style and everything is a perfect fit. A totally harp look!!
by Travelingmankc April 8, 2023
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A portmanteau of "woke" and "gimmickry"--woke gimmickry. Trying to sell or enhance the value of something by adding an element of wokeness.
A production of the venerable musical 1776 with a cast composed entirely of female and sundry gender nonconforming actors is a perfect example of wimmickry in the arts.
by Travelingmankc July 22, 2023
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The attire or manner of dress of an older man that is age appropriate yet stylish. A portmanteau of "OG" and "GQ". Alternatively, "Old GQ".
That old guy always looks sharp--he's definitely OGQ.
by Travelingmankc June 18, 2022
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Despite my squirrelbivalence (due to the invasion of my attic earlier this year), I thought the pic of the squirrel with its miniature teddy bear adorable.
by Travelingmankc December 6, 2019
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Pusillanimous, pandering politician--a cowardly politician whose positions and "beliefs" change by the minute in response to the group being addressed. It can also stand for Pusillanimous Pandering Politicians, the unofficial group to which the majority of politicians belong.
At noon he claimed one position in response to that question and at one he said exactly the opposite. Obviously a PPP--a member in good standing with the PPP!!
by Travelingmankc June 13, 2020
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