17 definitions by Toothpaste Salad

A phrase used to hide your utter disappointment and anger when you nearly have a perfect run of something but then at the last moment you fail.
Guy 1:
I missed a strike after having a week of compliments and then one damn insult. Agh!
Now I feel terrible as if the other good things don't count.

Guy 2:
I was totally chatting up this girl and thought I was in when she dropped the boyfriend bomb as I went to kiss her. Agh!
by Toothpaste Salad February 28, 2009
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A rebel who refuses to move into the ever increasing gang culture
John: Why's has not became a chav.
Jim: He's a retrobate
by Toothpaste Salad June 22, 2009
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the process of returning back to urban dictionary after being away from it for a long time.
I hadn't been here for 2 weeks but after my reurbanisation I haven't left.
by Toothpaste Salad January 22, 2009
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A female teacher or who is obsessed with a student that is at least 30 years younger than them or has a child the same age however does not hide their crush.
Symptoms include mentioning the student constantly and disliking anyone else in the class who is not the favoured student.
The term can also be applied to a worker/boss situation.

Coincidently, a Malkaniser is a 3-part whiskey 2-part apple juice and lemonade cocktail to be drunk with a Twix as a test of manliness.
Guy 1: John's teacher totally has a crush on him, she keeps mentioning him and utterly loves him, it’s gone beyond teacher's pet!
Guy 2: Dude she's a Malkaniser!


Guy 3: Malkanisers totally make me sick, I'm never drinking that again.
by Toothpaste Salad December 20, 2008
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When you leave a relationship alone for awhile and then you either both meet and agree that it is over or you are dumped and really don't care since you haven't seen the other person in so long anyway.
John was dating Naomi but didn't see or talk to her so the relationship went out of date when they ran into each other last week after two months apart.
by Toothpaste Salad February 28, 2009
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Jargon to describe a missing person, believed to have gone away somewhere drunk.

From publicly drunk and acting strange.
Guy 1: Have you seen John anywhere?

Guy 2: I think he's done a publiquor handstand, I saw him walking the wrong way home last night.
by Toothpaste Salad January 17, 2009
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Gimme some splenda is a term used to ask for a kiss.
Close cousin of the term give me some sugar where the girl is hot and the kiss is sweet.

Gimme some splenda/Give me some splenda is a phrase used when asking an ugly girl for a kiss. It is best used when wishing to be slapped or to be dumped or to mock a person who does not understand the link to give me some sugar (babe).

Gimme some splenda can be used as a taunt, insult or joke-esk compliment.
Best used when trying to make yourself seem less desirable to your partner before a break up so that they feel less of a loss when you break up.
Boyfriend: Hey “babegimme some splenda
Girlfriend: *Slap
Boyfriend: Agh… (and single)
by Toothpaste Salad December 20, 2008
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