1007 definitions by The Original Agahnim

Another way to say you assume that somebody gave up or got back down on their knees to stay there forever.
The bubbly, mouthy girl thought the guy had testicular resignation or that he got castrated by her when really he was still going and still fighting her, and he wasn't going to stop.
by The Original Agahnim October 27, 2021
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"These smart, amazing women, the minute a guy comes around, their voice changes, their energy shifts, and I'm like, What the fuck happened?" - Alia Shawcat

Some guys made mice out of them it sounds like is what happened. Some guys bursted their ego bubble.
by The Original Agahnim December 27, 2022
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Someone you hardly know, or someone you hardly knew growing up.
Why would an acquaintance pay another acquaintance much attention, and why would an acquaintance want attention from an acquaintance in the first place?Everything happens for a reason, and there is a reason two acquaintances aren't close like friends, so sometimes things are better left alone than intervened with. Attention seekers are the ones who don't want people to ignore them, or to be left alone to themselves.
by The Original Agahnim June 2, 2021
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Someone you played on a little league team with or against (or went to the same school for a few years), but never did they go to your birthday party or you to theirs would be an acquaintance, someone you knew of, but didn't actually know well, and vice versa. Someone that you work with that hasn't met your family or friends, someone you hardly know, and vice versa.
He/she was an acquaintance, which was usually a neutral term for somebody that was not a friend or an enemy, but just a guy/girl that you were aware of his/her existence, and didn't pretend not to be, but not much else about the person.
by The Original Agahnim June 2, 2021
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An enemy of a secret powerful cult, that one or few people that the cult calls the enemy or scapegoat.
He was the cult enemy of her yoga cult, and she claimed that they all had to be sub serviant to him and call him sir or boss.
by The Original Agahnim December 28, 2022
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Tough love gets things done.
Yesterday, they whined about tough love being abusive and how the guy should be more supportive. Today, they thought doing things in a kinder, gentler way was too weak, and that the guy failed them for lack of tough love.
by The Original Agahnim August 3, 2021
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What kids that didn't get ass whoopings as kids never got enough of.
She is attention and hug seeking because her father never once wooped her ass (even her mother mollycoddled her and never wooped her ass, and gave her any attention she demanded to get as a kid, and thus she can't do without attention or other people around her all the time), so she doesn't know what tough love is, and thinks the world isn't compassionate enough. She has a geeky sense of innocence within herself and others that doesn't exist in reality, where no humans are entirely innocent or undeserving of suffering. In reality, her sense of justice is that any rule or law that supports her and gets somebody else in trouble is right and just, no matter the rule or law, and any rule or law that disagrees with her or would get her in trouble was unjust, though people like her never actually faced the same consequences everybody else would over breaking rules and laws.
by The Original Agahnim June 19, 2021
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