1015 definitions by The Original Agahnim

A way to elevate yourself.
It turned out others could see through the rungs in the bubbly girl' s ladder as well as she could see through the rungs in anyone else's.
by The Original Agahnim August 12, 2021
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You mudt have balls of steel, X-ray vision, a cape, and the ability to fly if you can see through rungs in a ladder or walls in a building, most people find that stuff opague enough.
by The Original Agahnim September 27, 2021
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An object made of metal or sometimes wood or another material.
You must have X-ray vision, balls of steel, a cape, and the ability to fly if it's true that you can see through the rungs of that ladder or the walls of that building where others can't. Most people find that that stuff opague enough.
by The Original Agahnim September 27, 2021
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The weatherman that gives you the impression there's a firing squad in the room with him, and that they're there to kill him, not fire him.
The Hitler resistance weatherman gave an almost Valkyrie caliber performance the way he kept readjusting himself, you would think the cameraman and a couple other guys were about to take aim and fire. The only thing missing was the guy wasn't as emotional as the actor in Valkyrie, that made the difference between him and Valkyrie.
by The Original Agahnim August 10, 2021
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Someone that is a horrible person, even when nobody is looking.
The inhumanitarian is always doing the most inhuman things you can imagine to people.
by The Original Agahnim November 9, 2021
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The real gypsies often did know of hardship the poseur claiming to be a gypsy soul knew nothing of, and they didn't live the dorky carefree life she thought was the gypsy life (because it was the life she knew from her own experience), but really all she could see in other people was herself, because she was a narcissist.
by The Original Agahnim November 22, 2021
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His/her secret occult work was making life difficult for his/her enemy (ies).
by The Original Agahnim January 21, 2022
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