48 definitions by The Ferocious Whomper

The most mysterious and complex number. Basically zero is nothing and something at the same time. Then less than zero is written -1 this totally contradicts the whole number.
The number 0 exists and then yet it represents that something doesn't exist!
by The Ferocious Whomper June 19, 2017
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The most mysterious and complex number. Basically zero is nothing and something at the same time.
The number 0 exists and then yet it represents that something doesn't exist!
by The Ferocious Whomper June 19, 2017
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The paradox that states zero is a number then yet it means nothing at the same time.
In the Zero paradox is a complex concept. What is really a zero a number or symbol that represents nothing?
by The Ferocious Whomper June 19, 2017
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A film where the killer tie up their victims and messes with their minds before murdering the person. Sometimes the victim escapes by not answering the questions.
This interrogation horror film was awesome she sure outsmarted the killer.
by The Ferocious Whomper June 24, 2017
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A government-run facility designed to "rehabilitate" or "correct" individuals who fail to conform to societal norms. These institutions are marketed as a means of protecting the greater good and maintaining social order, but they have been criticized for their potential to suppress individual freedom and human rights.

In a social correction center, individuals are subjected to strict discipline and control.

Their every action is monitored, and any deviation from the norm is met with punishment.

The goal is to mold citizens into obedient, conformist individuals who will follow the dictates of those in power.

The term "social correction center" is often used as a euphemism for more sinister facilities, such as concentration camps or forced labor camps.

The origins of the term can be traced back to the euphemisms used by authoritarian regimes to describe their prison camps and reeducation centers.

Social correction centers have been utilized by various governments throughout history, and their existence remains a controversial topic. While proponents argue that they are necessary for maintaining social order, critics contend that they represent a grave threat to individual freedom and human rights.

The controversy surrounding social correction centers raises important questions about the balance between individual freedom and social order and the potential dangers of government overreach.
The government sent the dissident to a social correction center in an attempt to rehabilitate their behavior and force them to conform to societal norms.
by The Ferocious Whomper April 16, 2023
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A case of paronychia an infection of the tissue folds around the nails. Usually the adjacent tissue is painful, red, and swollen. There may be pus which is usually yellow hence the name.
The yellow finger infection is often painful and disgusting to deal with.
by The Ferocious Whomper June 24, 2017
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A term referring to the universal right of all people to express their views and beliefs without fear of retribution.
Expressing our voiced freedoms is a step toward democracy!
by The Ferocious Whomper January 4, 2023
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