13 definitions by The Human Being/Person

Down, or sad, most times, and sometimes it is hard to be happy again.
When you are sad, you might be depressed.
by The Human Being/Person December 6, 2016
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A sweet fruit, liked by many, opposed equally. The colors of an apple can vary from red, green, and yellow. Apples are also grown in trees.
Jack: "Those apples were gross!"
Jill: "No they weren't."
by The Human Being/Person December 5, 2016
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A fictional character, created for the joy of children around the world. Many families set out cookies and milk for "Santa". Santa is supposedly a man who wears a red coat and hat. Santa also rides a sleigh, driven by several reindeers.
I'm so excited for Christmas! Santa is coming!
by The Human Being/Person December 5, 2016
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Unable to speak due to nervousness or astonishment.
I'm completely speechless.
by The Human Being/Person December 25, 2016
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The celebration of Jesus Christ being born on Dec. 25. Often people use the term X-mas in replacement.
Joe: "I'm so excited for Christmas!"
Kriss: "Me too!"
by The Human Being/Person December 5, 2016
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Taylor Swift was born on December 13, 1989. Taylor Swift is a singer who is blonde, and liked by many people, but also disliked equally. She has made many songs such as "Bad Blood" or "Style" and they were successful.
Taylor Swift is a famous singer.
by The Human Being/Person December 5, 2016
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