22 definitions by THE DOOMED STUFFING

A person (not a corporation as defined by the Supreme Court, but a real person) who threatens to bring suit against someone via a comment on facebook; usually, a facebook litigant talks about unleashing a lawyer on a person who responds negatively to his or her facebook comment, but in fact a facebook litigant has no lawyer and has only seen lawyers portrayed on television shows about lawyers written by script writers who are usually stoned when writing their scripts and have never studied law; a facebook litigant is rarely referred to as a tigersaur
John S. said Obama needed to be impeached and shot, and I commented that there was no real legal basis to proceed with impeachment and that he knew nothing about the law, so he went all facebook litigant on me and I responded with a facebook shark emoticon followed by the emoticon for shit.

What an internet Matlock, that facebook litigant fucktard!

tigersaur internet Matlock Barney Fife Michael Scott fucktard naked lawsuiter
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A creature, scientifically referred to by academic English-speaking Earthlings as Homo sapiens sapiens, related most closely to a creature called a chimpanzee, which Earthlings generally use to entertain themselves at places called zoos, where the chimpanzees are frequently known to go on rampages due to abuse by Earthlings and eat the faces off Earthlings; this Homo sapiens sapiens is filled with a self-aggrandizing sense of its own intelligence, which is weak even by galactic standards, let alone cosmic standards. As visitors from the outer reaches of the cosmos, it is our duty to study these morons and see if we can make them treat the Earth better, so that our plans to eventually wipe them out and re-colonize the Earth with our smarter pets and animals will not be hindered by Earthling-caused global warming and climate change
That Earthling is trying to brush his teeth with a paintbrush; he must be one of their professors.

Earthlings are so stupid, Gipponik4, I don't know how I'll be able to tolerate not incinerating them all before it's time.

Be content with probing their Midwestern farmers, Jeppid6.

humanoid alien monkey relative naked ape climate-change denier
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An accidental fecal discharge caused by overexcitement due to being sexually touched by a female who is way out of one's league, as when the "Peanuts" character Charlie Brown has the football taken away from him by Lucy Van Pelt just as he is about to kick it; a mere fart or mild shart does not count as a "charlie brown" due to the fact that one might easily recover sexual activity with aforementioned hot chick, whereas a full dump is almost certainly a fashion-model fuck deal-breaker
Dude ... don't tell anyone about this ... but I had a date with you-know-who last night. Yeah, I know. Fantastic, huh? Fuck you, dude! That pot roast your mother made us totally made me charlie brown it! Stop laughing, asshole! It's not funny!

premature post-sex BM stinky date-breaker bowel cock-blocker intestinal disfortitude brown-bagging it steaming goodnighter
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A hypothetic, currently non-existent place where krazed klowns can go on the internet and/or facebook to express their krazed klown opinions without being the target of anti-clown activity, to wit: facebook-sponsored psychological experiments designed to use klowns, clowns, or normal people as human guinea pigs without their informed konsent.
I got Fraped on an HBO facebook page because I was "antagonistic," which meant I expressed my opinions in a way that they were not pleased by ... totally ruining my dream for an internet klowntopia.

Time-Warner, Inc. seems to discourage the idea of a klowntopia.

fraping gang-trolling trolaping klown-bashing adobe-echosigning Data-minding
by THE DOOMED STUFFING July 28, 2014
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pejorative used to describe a neighbor or group of neighbors who are excessively critical and vocal, sometimes bordering on being persecutive, about the condition of other people's lawns
Willard often mowed his neighbors' lawns just before they were going to mow them, and they often referred to him as the lawn police.
by THE DOOMED STUFFING April 2, 2014
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One who submits a word or term to Urban Dictionary and then is so offended when it is rejected that he or she rants on Urban Dictionary's facebook page that facebook is unfair and mean and that he or she will sue Urban Dictionary with an imaginary lawyer, who will supposedly make Urban Dictionary magically disappear; also, one who throws temper-tantrums that resemble those of a toddler on the internet or in public
He got so mad because he submitted "tigersaur" to Urban Dictionary and they rejected it, so he threatened to sue them; he's such a tigersaur.

Timmy turned into a tigersaur when his girlfriend dumped him and he splashed her name all over the internet.

fucktard spoil-sport Barney Fife Dwight Schrute Michael Scott intertantrum facebook litigant
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a troll or regular commenter on facebook public pages who makes ethnically or culturally insensitive, bigoted, prejudicial, or downright racist comments without fear of ever being blocked by facebook's esoteric community standards policy, no matter how unabashedly racist the comment might be

face-ist bigot trollist neo-Nazi friend-requested Hitler Klanbooker
"Did I just read that comment correctly from this facenazi?"
"What'd she say?"
"That black people don't wash themselves."
"Block her or report her to facebook."
"I reported her, but they say she hasn't violated any community standards and won't remove the comment."
"Welcome to free speech, I guess. All I can say is, you should comment that her vagina smells like her father's penis."
"I did. And facebook removed my comment."
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