37 definitions by TC
Originally used to describe withdrawl symptoms caused by an addiction. An extreme craving.
also; "jonesing"
also; "jonesing"
by TC March 11, 2003
by TC May 27, 2004
person who can secretly puke almost anywhere, indoors or out, without drawing attention to themselves
by TC September 26, 2003
When a chick is giving a guy head in the shower and with great fervor pulls out, grabs on to the shower curtain rod, screams, "WRECKING BALL," and proceeds to swing his junk into her face.
by TC April 22, 2005
an arts acadamy in upstate michigan where high school students suffer unknowable tortures by paintbrush, pencil, baton, bow, and notebook. otherwise known as Arts Prison.
by TC February 12, 2004
by TC May 7, 2004