144 definitions by SuperSonicx

I would not recommend this movie to anyone! This was the most boring movie I have ever seen. There is NO plot. You wait for something to actually happen, but nothing ever does. The dialogue is terrible, the acting is terrible. I can't believe someone wasted the time and money to make this film. Only watch this movie if you have a couple hours that you want to waste, and can't think of anything else that would be more entertaining such as this. All of my friends at school talked about how funny it was, so I went to the theatres (when it was in theatres). There is no plot, no comical dialogue (or acting for that matter), and this film does not offer anything to keep your attention. This movie will leave such a bad taste in your movie going mouth that you will have to stop at a video store after viewing this movie to find something that would reassure you that all movies aren't as bad as this one.
Napoleon Dynamite sucks ass, and the character Napoleon is a n00b.
by SuperSonicx September 18, 2005
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I'm a pothead. Stoners and potheads are different. Stoners smoke alot, potheads talk about smoking alot, while smoking alot! A pothead will laugh at anything three days after s/he tokes, a stoner will laugh at anything, only when s/he's stoned.
Pothead = constantly has weed on the mind.
Stoner = has weed on the mind while he/she smokes.
by SuperSonicx April 23, 2006
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The songs on the Kidz Bop compilations are sung by a bunch of uninspired, spoon-fed little brats who butcher SOMEWHAT decent to mediocre songs (depending on which songs they decide to destroy). Their commercials consist of the kids running around laughing and dancing, while lipsynching. Wow, the perfect nightmare!

Remember when Alvin and the Chipmunks used to cover songs? Yeah, well, KIDZ BOP is worse than Alvin and his Chipmunk friends will ever be! Ashlee Simpson can sing better than these kids can!

By the time the newest Kidz Bop CD hits stores, most of the songs (by the ORIGINAL artists) are overplayed on MTV and radio. Kidz Bop needs to die. Besides, most of the time, they take songs that ALREADY suck, and add more suck factor to them, and the result is an abomination. Do the kids of today a favor by buying them a Beatles CD, or maybe a soundtrack to a Disney film, anything is better than Kidz Bop!
The Kidz Bop series are an abomination to music.
by SuperSonicx May 20, 2006
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The opposite of high
"I'm starting to feel low. Fix me up another bowl!" - A Stoner
by SuperSonicx June 4, 2005
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A Fan of Ozzy Osbourne.

Also, a website owned by Mitch Van Beekum.
Guy 1: Hey! Are you an ozzyhead?
Guy 2: Damn right!
Guy 3: You should check out ozzyhead.com then!
Guy 1 and 2: Right On!
by SuperSonicx August 20, 2004
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"Pet Sounds", to me, is the greatest adolescent soundtrack ever created.

It is truly one of the greatest albums of all time. Besides Black Sabbath's "Paranoid", Pink Floyd's "The Wall", and Iggy & The Stooges' "Raw Power", I'd say that "Pet Sounds" is one of the greatest soundtracks for adolescent life you'll ever find. Even I as a teenager today can relate to the lyrics, albeit the fact that this album is over 40 years old.

I dare you to find an alienated teen that isn't able to relate to "I Just Wasn't Made For These Times". Well, considering the fact that most teens are into the latest no talent ass clowns that are currently plaguing the airwaves, I bet you'll have to get him or her to actually listen to the lyrics without becoming bored first. I didn't believe the hype surrounding this album until recently, mostly because I thought of the Beach Boys as a 60's surfer rock band (I've heard most of their singles throughout the years, and like most of 'em).

Hopefully 100 years from now, "Pet Sounds" will be listened to, analyzed, and appreciated for its greatness.

Brian Wilson is a genius.
"Pet Sounds" is one of my favorite albums of all time, and one of the greatest albums of the 20th century. Period!
by SuperSonicx September 8, 2006
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