144 definitions by SuperSonicx

Usually said by drunks.
They think they're actually saying:
"I swear to god I'm not drunk."

Unforunately, they aren't.
by SuperSonicx August 23, 2004
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The best cigarettes money can buy
Marlboro Reds may be dangerous, but they have a great taste.
by SuperSonicx September 24, 2005
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If you blow smoke in someone's face, without them actually toking, enough smoke can get them "contact" high, meaning that they came into contact with THC through the second hand smoke, and thus, became high. Also, the contact high usually never shows up on a drug test..
Mike got his cat contact high by bringing him into the bathroom and toking on two flat blunts.
by SuperSonicx December 3, 2007
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A homeless puppet that is always having a nicotine withdrawal.
Kid: Why are you so mean, Oscar?
Oscar the Grouch: SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH!
by SuperSonicx September 18, 2005
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Hilary Duff is talentless, with a bad voice to boot, and an obnoxious teen-queen attitude. The worst pop star in the entire world (or one of them). Her music is as artificial as virtual reality and her movies are horrible! I mean, she's a total fake blonde and a poser punk/goth. Hilary Duff is not talented whatsoever. She can't sing or act and that's that. The fact that she has a record deal and movie contracts instead of the many other talented people out there proves that you don't have to be good at anything to be recognized for something. On top of that, Hilary doesn't even write her own songs, nor does she actually sing for her fans at concerts (lip synching is a talent that she DOES possess). Her voice is horrible, despite the digital altering. If you ask me, Hilary doesn't deserve stardom. I find "artists" like Hilary Duff insulting to the truly talented singers and entertainers today. A lot of artists' voices are enhanced through technology, and are backed up.. or should I say "covered up" with backup voices. She is a talentless waste of an artist and people like her are taking up space on tv and the airwaves instead of real musicians who aren't given a chance. Her singing is obviously artificial and her music is such trite junk. She makes me want to vomit simply on the fact alone that she can't sing, much less is only popular by association, has terrible music written FOR her and the fact that she lip synchs.
by SuperSonicx September 13, 2005
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I've been smokin' some KGB, what about you?
by SuperSonicx September 25, 2006
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