6 definitions by Strand

A condition in which a person's skin literally turns blue from using too much colloidal silver or overexposure to salt compounds. The blue skin is usually permanent.
The nickname for that man that has argyria is Papa Smuff. We thought that the woman was having a stroke but she was blue because she has a condition called argyria.

Did you see that blue man?

Yeah, he has argyria just like Papa Snurf had.

by Strand December 16, 2013
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A place made of rock or cut into rock used to bury a dead person in.
They wept as they placed the child's body in the sepulcher. He placed a bouquet of roses at his love's sepulcher each year on her birthday.
by Strand December 12, 2013
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To have contempt for or show disrespect for something that someone holds sacred or holy. To violate the sacredness of something. To defile something holy.
Do not desecrate the children's graves. To desecrate the ancient Native American's cave drawings should be harshly punished.
by Strand November 20, 2013
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A song widely popular with American Forces during WWII. It depicts the graphic nature of a raping by 3 German Soldiers. Sung to the tune of "When Johnny comes marching home"

Three German soldiers crossed the line taboo taboo
Three German soldiers crossed the line taboo taboo
Three German soldiers crossed the line they raped the women and drank the wine
and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

They came upon a way side inn taboo taboo
They came upon a way side inn taboo taboo
They came upon a way side inn the door was locked so they kicked it in
and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

The inn keeper had a daughter fair taboo taboo
The inn keeper had a daughter fair taboo taboo
The inn keeper had a daughter fair With long blond hair And Tits to There
and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

They tied her to a feather bed taboo taboo
They tied her to a feather bed taboo taboo
They tied her to a feather bed and fucked till she was almost dead
and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

The inn keeper was so ashamed taboo taboo
The inn keeper was so ashamed taboo taboo
The inn keeper was so ashamed he fucked her back to life again
and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

The inn keeper had a trusty gun taboo taboo
The inn keeper had a trusty gun taboo taboo
The inn keeper had a trusty gun he shot the fuckers one by one
and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

Three German soldiers marched to hell taboo taboo
Three German soldiers marched to hell taboo taboo
Three German soldiers marched to hell they fucked the devil and his wife as well
and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

The moral of the story is taboo taboo
The moral of the story is taboo taboo
The moral of the story is you never fuck in a feather bed
and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

The moral of the moral is taboo taboo
The moral of the moral is taboo taboo
The moral of the moral is you always fuck in a water bed
and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

The Germans thought they won the war taboo taboo
The Germans thought they won the war taboo taboo
The Germans thought they won the war the newfies won it the day before
and they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo

And they all said zeig heil tickle my ass taboo
"On our way to Berlin, we sang 3 German Soldiers."
by Strand March 14, 2008
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A basic ballet move that involves squatting with your feet turned out.
Man those plies in class today really screwed with my knees. Keep your butt in when you plie or I'll hit it with my stick!
by Strand December 15, 2013
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The wife of Othello in Shakespeare's play "Othello". Othello kills Desdemona when he thinks that she has cheated on him.
By what means did Othello kill Desdemona?
by Strand February 23, 2014
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