6 definitions by Stink

Colloquial term for sleazeballs with faded tattoos and wigger shorts who hang out drinking PBR talls outside of the Maverick T stop on Boston's blue line whistling up chicks as they exit the station.
Yo, chalk, check out those Mavs....same guys as last night. Think they ever get laid?
by Stink August 3, 2004
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to follow through, to SHITE one's pants.
I've got to run back to the apartment, I tried for a wee fart, and dazzed myself.
by Stink August 2, 2003
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wierd, odd, stupid, or just plain idiotic.
Dude, thats defunkitated
by Stink November 26, 2003
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This name is normaly stated to be a short man that lives in vegas.
hey look over there its a Luke roseberry
by Stink August 7, 2022
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Slang term for white person. aka: honky or cracker.
Yo, chalk, what up? You still driving that Prius?
by Stink August 3, 2004
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