14 definitions by Spiffy Hamster

MMORPG which Spiffy Hamster enjoys playing. Some people are far too addicted. Many bots. However, I really like this game. Playing it right now...
51/37 Battle Acolyte bound to be Monk TODAY.
by Spiffy Hamster May 24, 2004
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What you say after quoting a stupid post. Then edit it later on with "oh".
Requires absolutely no punctuation or capitalization. Do neither for effect.
LOL guyz so like this guy was like totaly awsum he wuz so funny adn


EDIT: oh
by Spiffy Hamster December 7, 2004
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"Intelligent Dance Music", an often debated term for a style of electronic music (as "intelligent" sounds pretentious and it's not really "dance music") that encompasses a confusingly wide area of music. Mostly enjoyed by computer nerds and LSD-heads, mostly a combination of both. Known for being more cerebral than many forms of music, thus "intelligent". Listeners of this form of music are generally stereotyped as pretentious musical afficionado pricks.
Popular artists include Aphex Twin (Richard D. James), Squarepusher, Autechre, Amon Tobin, and on the harder side, Venetian Snares.

Popular labels include WARP Records, Planet Mu, Merck, and Rephlex.
by Spiffy Hamster August 18, 2005
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Those outside of Japanese culture, who, through fandom and such, have somehow gotten the idea that Japan is better than wherever they are living, and try their hardest to be Japanese. This behavior, however, may show in people who aren't Japanese, and simply enjoy the Japanese culture they know, having no desire to be Japanese or idea that Japan is better than where they live. Wapanese are the extreme stereotype of obsession with Japanese culture.
If it's Japanese, I LIKE IT. (Shallow minded?)
by Spiffy Hamster May 24, 2004
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A parrot that doesn't pass as a return in pet shops.
If it weren't tied to it's perch it'd be pushing up the dasies!
by Spiffy Hamster March 29, 2004
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The aftermath of an animal being dismembered. The exploded intestines and other such awesome bodily tools.
There were whale entrails encasing the entire planet.
by Spiffy Hamster April 20, 2004
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