35 definitions by Spaz De Kat

someone who fails so epically at life that they are turned to stone in a fit of mercy.
stupid rock: i spider climb up the wall!
plan man: my fighter was standing right there, so attack of opportunity... (rolls) yeah, I killed you.
by Spaz De Kat December 2, 2009
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the final actions performed while dying. usually used to describe the act of taking down who ever killed you in a theatric and violent maner.
We were out of ammo, but the guy fianally died, though he did manage to pull a pin from a grenade. it was quite the death throes.
by Spaz De Kat February 9, 2009
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(pronounced ka-PAY-yow)lifes cheat code. When used as a battle cry, the next action you take automaticaly succeeds. OR
A loud noise
KAPOW!!!!!!!!!!!(throws a rock and blows up building)
by Spaz De Kat January 9, 2009
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an extreme form of munchology that uses seemingly volitle and inedible materials.
behold my latest feat of munchalurgy: the cayan, chili, and paintchip samich!!!!
by Spaz De Kat February 20, 2009
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asshole: DIVE BOMB!!!!!! *sploosh*
victim: *sniff* my latte...
by Spaz De Kat January 22, 2009
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in a typical adventuring team, the person who socializes and talks information out of the rumor mill.
negotiator: well, I was kissing my way down his thigh when he mentioned...
by Spaz De Kat December 8, 2009
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embedding a thrown or melee weapon into a target
excellent! got a sink with my knife!!! pwned!
by Spaz De Kat November 30, 2009
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