7 definitions by Shanelovdahoop15
A specialist antique driver used by world class golfers. Specifically designed to send an agonising recoil up through your hands when contact is made with the ball (which isn't very often due to the ergonomic putter head) Recommended for ranges of 150 Yards and under. Great for pee rollers and low drives.
John "Are you jealous of my wooden driver?"
Andrew "Yes..." (He replies with a sad face knowing all the bank in the world will not acquire him such a weapon)
Andrew "Yes..." (He replies with a sad face knowing all the bank in the world will not acquire him such a weapon)
by Shanelovdahoop15 April 4, 2017
Shoes made specially for people with odd shape feet usually suffering from cabbage foot syndrome or shaped like a wired vegetable often at 90 degree angles which can be great for football for getting mad curve and whipage.
Shane "Has your Government Shoes come yet Earl". Earl "No!! But the better come soon! How the hell can I shoplift dog nuts to feed to the hoes in the basement without fresh crepes!"
by Shanelovdahoop15 April 14, 2017
A running technique that makes you look like an Absolute dick in which your arms stay locked behind you while running. Most famously used by Alli (Too similar to Burns) Forsythe.
Spectator: "Why is Alli running like the Naruto Run? He looks like he has down syndrome!"
Rodney: "He's a Northern Ireland International and he knows it makes him lightning fast!"
Rodney: "He's a Northern Ireland International and he knows it makes him lightning fast!"
by Shanelovdahoop15 March 23, 2017
Shane "Come on now don't do a Stephen on us!"
Steven (Inhales Oxygen...)
Steven (Inhales Oxygen...)
by Shanelovdahoop15 April 4, 2017
A type of ice cream served to you in a plastic cup often with very little ice cream in it mainly just pick and mix.
Bill "What ice cream did you get in your Nig Nog Pot?"
John "I don't know i just told her i don't want no mediocre !"
Bill "What's it like?"
John "A very average cup of sweets" (John looks upset...)
John "I don't know i just told her i don't want no mediocre !"
Bill "What's it like?"
John "A very average cup of sweets" (John looks upset...)
by Shanelovdahoop15 April 4, 2017
A large white male that likes to abuse opposition players at Rival football matches. Often dressed in White cloth, Robes or Garments.
Rival Player "Can someone get that ball please"
Gripe " Not a chance you Shinner Fenian Bastard!"
Rival Player "Leave me Alone! I wasn't talking to you, You Big Gripe!"
Gripe " Not a chance you Shinner Fenian Bastard!"
Rival Player "Leave me Alone! I wasn't talking to you, You Big Gripe!"
by Shanelovdahoop15 March 23, 2017
Bystander: "Watch Holmsy skye this!"
Holmsy catches it sweet with incredible Whip and in rockets into that top right extension!
Bystander: "Wow that was Gift Wrapped!"
The crowd go wild and start chanting "Schweinsteiger!!!"
Holmsy catches it sweet with incredible Whip and in rockets into that top right extension!
Bystander: "Wow that was Gift Wrapped!"
The crowd go wild and start chanting "Schweinsteiger!!!"
by Shanelovdahoop15 March 23, 2017