23 definitions by Sgt. Pepper

Paul McCartney cd. Includes such famous songs as Uncle Albert/Admiral Halsey. Very good cd.
Ram rocks and so do Paul McCartney and the Beatles!!!!
by Sgt. Pepper March 2, 2005
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Comedian who ripped off mitch hedberg's style. But he's still funny...
"Another term for balloon is bad breath holder" ~Demetri Martin~
by Sgt. Pepper May 11, 2005
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adj: of or possessing superior quality; a combination of dank and delicious
This fine greenery smells dankelicious.
by Sgt. Pepper November 13, 2004
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The band of bands. 'nuff said. They talk about them in the bible...in the book of ROCK. Chapter 1 verse 1. "And the god of rock said 'let there be kick ass brits to put an end to this elvis nonsense' and then he created the beatles...and it was good"
SGT. PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND is the greatest rock CD made by human hands.
by Sgt. Pepper May 11, 2005
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A comedian who happened to be the funniest person ever to walk the earth. Died earlier this year...and the world has been unfunny ever since. He was about to to a special on HBO that would have been fuckin' awesome...but now...it will never happen. Go figure...everyone who ever does something good for the world dies before they hit 30.
"I got a ant farm...them little bastards didn't grow shit." ~Mitch Hedberg~
by Sgt. Pepper May 11, 2005
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Good Charlotte. Evil band. Whiney "punk" band...well they call themselves punk. Band consists of Joel,Benji,Chris,and Billy...their songs are made up of simple music and even more simple lyrics. Usually listened to by nonconformist conformists who shop at Hot-Topic but still bitch about large corporations ruining their perfect anarchist life.
Shit...pure and total shit...listen to the Sex Pistols or The Clash instead.
by Sgt. Pepper August 6, 2005
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You take one part barny the purple dinosaur,add 2 parts H R Puffinstuff, add some LSD and Pot...and you get the Teletubbies
The teletubbies are pure concentrated evil.
by Sgt. Pepper August 7, 2005
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