88 definitions by Samantha

Literally, a combination of the phrase "que estas haciendo" meaning "what are you doing?" in Spanish. The Spanish language often combines sounds that are alike on the end of one word and the beginning of the next and make them one word. It means... what's going on or what's up...
"A vato, questasiendo?" (Hey dude, what are you doing?)
by Samantha June 19, 2006
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in my opinion there are 2 main species in this world male and female, then theres charvers, the average chaver, insists on listening to sean-paul and techno music- the girls put there make-up on with an ice cream scoop, the boys put a tub of superdrug value on there hardle-non-existant hair- they walk like they have piles- they never have heard of contraception as they got kicked out of school when they were 8 and took a building corse , were they learn to cement bricks together, so by the time there 12 theyve produced a herd of offspring-when they have there children they dress them like a clone of there parents in fake burberry, burberry in general is tacky enough, and addidas trainers, with plated 'gold' earings that look more like bracelets with hiddeuos patterns fashioned around the edges-they hang around on street corners drinking shoving a fag down there babys mouth and shout at passers-by.
go to ur nearest bus-shelter and shout names such as brtiney-casey-jade or mercedes
by Samantha January 25, 2004
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facrikkle my nickkle
by Samantha September 30, 2003
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A kiss, peck on the cheek or lips.
She said "kiss me," he gave her a quarter.
by Samantha February 24, 2004
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Sicko Ditto, man. I'm never eating there again!
by Samantha May 14, 2004
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1)another name for King Farouk
King Farouk was the monarch of Egypt from 1936-1952
2)a person that faks a wak as in Dr. Suess
~King Farouk is a fakwak.
~"Megan, it's not fakwak it's Farouk!"
by Samantha March 4, 2005
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Laz is a souvlaki with garlic sauce
by Samantha February 19, 2005
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