88 definitions by Samantha

not only a wonderful thespian but one the most original characters in Hollywood
"Publicly, Winona is rather approachable. People describe her as nice, friendly, cooperative, and polite. On the other hand, you can sense that she's a troubled lady. Hazy about her purpose in life, she's sensitive and spiritually confused, which has caused her to suffer bouts of depression and panic attacks.

Still, it's most likely that sensitivity that has made her such a wonderful thespian. Even if she's played characters ranging from cheerleaders and teenage wives to rebellious daughters and feminists, she never chooses roles to advance her career. What makes her so special is the fact that she never works just for a paycheck." askmen.com
by Samantha April 22, 2005
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It's heroin, but in a black, sticky, TAR like substance. It's more common and easier to get in Mexico, hence its name.
"I like Mexican Tar better than smack because it's cheaper."
by Samantha July 2, 2003
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mad cool. like more than awsome.
"yo man. that shit was gacy."
by Samantha June 18, 2006
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Tus - nalgas! Haha.. Nalgas is spanish for buttcheeks.
Person 1: You smell like tusna
Person 2: What's tusna?
Person 1: Tus nalgas! HAHA
by Samantha August 17, 2007
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insane form of gremlin found in capital cities. Smees are very afraid of sheep and have violent tendancies. There favourite form of attack is biteing.
the female form is most well known for having massive breasts.
O looka sweet smee...arghh f*ck ive been bitten (nevewr call a smee sweet)
by Samantha September 1, 2004
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