11 definitions by REM

1. the substance that builds up in your armpit after months of not washing.
also may refer to any substance associated to that excreted by the body, human or otherwise.
"John how many times must i tell you to take a bath; i mean look dear there is gooey flishk running down your arms. "
by REM October 31, 2003
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1.When a person spontaneously turns in side out while straining at a stool.

2. When a child is born with only one excretal opening (archaic)

3. Used to describe the excretion of a carsidradated child (slang)

1. Poor old man Jackson was found in the men’s restroom in the process of carsidradation but there was nothing anyone could do to stop his eventual slow, painful, bloody death.

2.Your poor baby suffers from carsidradation; it’s a boy though, a see the partial development of a penis. yep everything comes out of this right here mam.

3. You heathen, don’t you carsidradate on my flower bed.
by REM October 31, 2003
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A rectangular cube, a psychotic cow, or a derogatory slang word pertaining the penis and anal sex.
"Get your rectalcube away from me."
by REM December 6, 2003
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my lover, goes to school away from me
hey i cannot wait for mema to get home....she has been getting her learn on
by REM December 16, 2004
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The first woman over 40 that I fucked
Like a fine wine, Lucka’s Mom can only get better with age.
by REM October 6, 2003
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Term used in board sports for catching serious amounts of air. To lift off ridden surface with style.
"Did you see Bruce Irons boost off that right in Indo?"
by REM February 20, 2005
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Rola is one of the names ecstasy goes by in Argentina.
"Last night was so wild I has some Rola and dance all night long"
by REM December 29, 2018
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