19 definitions by ProgPrincess

The act of a person, throughout an entire movie, saying all of the funny lines from the movie directly before the line is said by the actor/actress in the movie.
"Dude. Please stop your incessant prepeating. You're totally ruining our movie experience!!"
by ProgPrincess February 6, 2010
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A ninja who happens to be a midget.
"I was sitting on the couch, drinking a beer & watching the game. When, out of the darkness appeared a Minja, who proceeded to kick me in the head & run off with my remote. What are the odds?"
by ProgPrincess November 1, 2009
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A conversation that is so detrimental to one's self that it not only numbs one's mind, it numbs one's soul.
"At a party at a friend's house, one of the guests locked me into the most soulnumbing conversations. I left the conversation feeling empty & slightly violated."
by ProgPrincess January 1, 2010
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the face one makes when they are tirelessly trying to convince you that they are right (about what, it does not matter).
"As he tried to explain why Dr. Drew is not a doctor, you should've seen him. "Classic" topherface."
by ProgPrincess December 19, 2009
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A male friend who when things 'pop-off', or the proverbial 'shit hits the fan', instead of backing up his friends, he hightails it downwind.
"I sure wish J.D. was at that party when that fight broke out instead of our femmefriend."
by ProgPrincess March 20, 2010
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