10 definitions by PJMac

“So, how old are your grands now?”

Five and seven. Ya, y' know they're pert’ near too grow'd up to hire out for chimney sweeps.”

“Tsk. Chawnel, that’s just terrible! You’re not serious.”

“Probly not.”
by PJMac August 22, 2012
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People who share identical looking nipples.
“Ja’Ronla, if we don’t find an act today for the Rev's retirement party, someone’s going to lose their job, and it’s not going to be me. Bring me in one more juggler or one more ventriliquist and I’m going to puke. Surprise me, damn it. New!”


“This is Ziralee, and this is Ashley. They are nipplegängers.”

“Doppelgängers? I'm not seeing it.”

“No, no. Not doppelgängers. Nipplegängers. Ladies?...”


“Well now, so you are. So you are.”
by PJMac September 7, 2012
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Fake-for-fun mistaken pronunciation of the french term “C’est domage,” meaning “That’s too bad.”

Fromage is the french word for cheese.

The fun part of it is saying it in context and deadpan sincerity. You say it in mixed company that includes at least one person who knows some french.

When they hear you say, “Oh well, c’est fromage” they instantly notice that your attempt to throw in a little french for conversation colour... failed in a way that is funny to hear, but could prove to be embarrassing if they point it out to you.

However, people don’t want to embarrass other people. But because “c’est fromage” enters the brain so quickly as a funny error, most people don’t have time to stop their little chuckle at your expense. Then they are kind of forced to explain why they are laughing at you.

So it’s an impishly fun way to watch people squirm a little with how to react to you as they try to figure out whether or not your mistake was intentional. It usually shows you how natural and honest someone feels while they are with you.
“Oh well. C'est fromage.”
“C’est fromage? That’s cheese?”
“What did I say? Fromage? Oh jeez, I meant domage.”
“No you didn’t.”
“No, I didn’t.”
by PJMac July 19, 2012
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Salaried employee who intentionally works extra unpaid hours, and makes sure management notices.
“That Madison of yours, isn't she quite the overworker. Looks like you’ve got yourself a real keener there.”

“You know what, here's the thing: I really can’t tell if she gets any more done than anyone else on that team. What I do know is I have to pay the cleaning staff overtime to not finish the washroom til she goes home. So annoying. When we cut down next month, she’s first to go.”
by PJMac August 21, 2012
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A question unwisely asked.
“Did you actually ask Renada how far along she was?”

“I did.”

“She’s not pregnant, you know.”

“I know that... now.”

“What were you thinking?”

“I wasn't. It was an askident.”
by PJMac August 11, 2012
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The altruistic art of lifting about half of the money from each of our wallets every year and spending it with prudence, enlightenment and efficiency.

40% of our fellow adults are gleefully satisfied with the benevolent outcomes of this arrangement. You know this because when it’s election day, they don’t vote.
“I’m not going to vote, I hate politics.”

“Really? That’s amazing, I thought you loved politics. When I reach over the table and grab one fry from your plate you throw a complete conniption. But every year when your politicians take, in total, more than half of your hard-earned money, you don’t vote to do a thing about it. So I think you secretly love having a bunch of rich, old white men take your money and do whatever they want with it, no matter how demeaning and controlling their laws are to your life and to the lives of the people you love. That's quite a fetish you've got going on there, I hadn’t realized you were such a political submissive.”
by PJMac August 24, 2012
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Not reachable using calls or emails to your smartphone.
“I’m going phonecognito this weekend. I mean it.”

“Got it. Oh, but what if Winona calls? About the proposal. Can I email you at least?”

“Nope. Total phonecognito.”

“Geeeeeez. You really are serious. So you’re not even taking your phone?”

“Well, .. but not for work.”
by PJMac August 21, 2012
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