90 definitions by Oz

1. Music from back in the day, the last decate and before.
2. A. Some thing that past is time or it's fashion, or
B. a bring back memory of of a thing in the respectable way.
1. Rappers Delight is Ol' School.
2. A. Phist is Ol' School.
B. NWA is the ol' school that still hot today.
by Oz April 12, 2004
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A burger place I haven't eaten in for 5 years. Their fries have been remade several times and they still suck. Their burgers suck too aside from a few.
Burger king sucks, their new commercials with a guy in a King outfit is fucking scary.
by Oz April 20, 2005
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The UNDERDOG is a player or a soldier that was or is under and still fighting.
by Oz April 12, 2004
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adjective describing someone who is bitter about something
After her boy dumped her she was totally salty.
by Oz February 3, 2005
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Great actor, has done some great movies in his time such as the Rocky series, Cliffhanger, Demolition Man and who could forget Rambo, those are just some of his movies. Although a good actor he seems to be shrinking, don't ask me I just tell it like it is. Birth complications, caused by forceps, resulted in paralysis of the lower left side of his face, manifested by a perennial snarl and slurred speech. Most noticeable when he is yelling.
Sylvester Stallone is a good actor but I have no fucking clue why he was in spy kids 3.
by Oz January 18, 2005
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Contrary to idioty belief, the Israeli army are not terrorists or killers. They protect their country just like any other. They are the 3rd best army in the world due to sheer size and ability with the fact that they recruit manditoraly at age 18.
Palistinians think that they can just slowly move in with armed forces and kill Israeli people and have no recourse.... silly people!
by Oz January 23, 2005
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One of the best Army's in the world suprisingly. Reasons for this are because there is a law that states when you turn 18 you goto the military. Only israel is outdone by china or america due to sheer size and technology. America is the best however.
America and Israel would probably own everyone if the shit hits the fan!
by Oz January 18, 2005
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