44 definitions by Option 22

1. IWBT - Intelligent Web-Based Tools

2. IWBT - Interplanetary Water Bear Transpermia
1. IWBT - Intelligent Web-Based Tools? Yes, Mark & Bill, etc. ensuring access for backdoor programming and access by "intelligence".

2. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, there lived a species of ape that over thousands of years underwent adaptive behaviour change, caused by a fungal infection, from small hunter-gatherer family groups to full insectualization run by a death cult. To spread life, beyond the fungal paradigm of the evolved control systems, required seeding the galaxy with life forms that could survive space travel and in particular exposure to vacuum and harsh radiation. Water bears, also known as tardigrades, were dried, provided with a miniature space suit that dissolved on contact with liquid water and were sent in all directions from the planet out into the galaxy. The game of interplanetary water bear transpermia (IWBT) was born.

Bruce: “Is there a game that can last longer than a test cricket match?”
Fermi: “Haven’t you ever heard of interplanetary water bear transpermia?”
by Option 22 January 29, 2019
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FTX - F@#king Thanks
by Option 22 November 16, 2022
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The Covidiots Guide to Insectualization is dark magic slowly revealing that mutations linked to the process of insectualization are present in victims of the annual seasonal viral culling.
The Covidiots Guide to Insectualization

The fungus mutates the host to suit itself. Some of these mutations leave the host susceptible to cytokine storm.

Chapter 1: Type 1 interferon pathway.
Chapter 2: Interleukin 33.

Billy GG: Why so few flu deaths?
Faust: Rona.
Billy GG: Why more than normal?
Faust: New normal. Seeding.

Faust: Do you realize what causes flaming lips?
Billy GG: T.H.R.U.S.H.?

Faust: The same procedure as last year?
Billy GG: The same procedure as every year.

Nostradamus: 2021. Order ab chao.
by Option 22 October 30, 2020
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Contact tracing - an extension of big mother's tracking device for kids
Villanelle carried with her a piece of chalk for contact tracing
by Option 22 April 28, 2020
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Truth twister – a way of saying liar without saying liar
"Truth twister” – crossword clue for “Liar”
“Ambassadors for the expert-trashing, truth-twisting age of populism,” remarked the truth twister.

“Arrogant and offensive.

Can you imagine having to work with these truth twisters?” tweeted Dobby.
by Option 22 May 24, 2020
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Covid-1984 is a controlavirus
Covid-1984 inserted itself into reality
by Option 22 April 23, 2020
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Göbekli Tepe is the site in modern-day Turkey of the first recorded civilization on Planet Earth.

Göbekli Tepe translates as “Potbelly Hill”.

It dates to around 12,000 years ago although possibly older. It correlates well to the timeline of the appearance of the human acne bacterium ca. 15,000 years ago, then ca. 12,900 years ago when a meteorite hit the Hiawatha glacier in Greenland, the last ice age, the Younger Dryas, followed by the domestication of wild wheat and barley.

The acne bacterium kickstarted adaptive behaviour change, caused by a fungal infection, from small hunter-gatherer family groups to full insectualization run by a death cult.

Aliens: Take me to your leader. The last address we had was Potbelly Hill, DC.

Homer: DC? As in Capitol Hill, Washington DC?
Aliens: Yes, DC as in death cult.
Homer: Potbelly parasites with a pot of money, mind control, dark magic while the rest of us writhe around in a feudalistic system of indebted servitude?

Aliens: Nothing much has changed…if you ignore technological advancement.
Homer: What have I done to deserve this???
Aliens: Predictive programming.
Homer: Doh!
Aliens: The last time we visited we came across a fun guy who was a shaman hooked on drugs and lucid dreaming. We left him to it.
The Original Potbelly Hillbilly Shaman Fun Guy (actions translated into words): “I’ll mind control you with my religious cult and you will give me the fruits of your labor. I’ll sow my wild oats with whomsoever and in what way as I so please, get whacked out of my head on drugs and enter in and out of the lucid dreaming state. This is going to be one hell of a wild ride. Whatever you do leave the fruits of my wild apple tree alone!”
Outcast: “Why can’t they see through this rotten apple? He gets everyone to work for him, store their gathered food with him, he gets his wicked way, and in return they get mumbo jumbo.”

The Domino Effect: “I found my thrill on Potbelly Hill…”

JoKeR: “ATF4
Solo: “ATF4”
JoKeR: “So, I am no different than the original potbelly hillbilly on Göbekli Tepe casting my magic spell over all.”
Solo: “Would you Adam and Eve it…you were my thrill, on Potbelly Hill.”

Nostradamus: 2020. Potbelly Hillbillies running the show, insectualization, mind control, order ab chao.
by Option 22 October 10, 2019
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