14 definitions by Nova><Master

If you really really like the porn your watching or thinking about, shout "saait!"
Bill: SAAIT!!!

Sarah: Jerking off to porn again??? You BASTARD!!! Arrrgh!!
by Nova><Master November 7, 2006
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The politically correct term to describe the feeling of life grabbing you by the balls.

Life sucks!
God damnit! My teacher is a dick!
God damnit! I hate my fucking job!
God damnit! I have lost faith in the human race!
God damnit! Why didn't my mom have an abortion?
by Nova><Master October 24, 2006
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A word that points out the tragedy that some words don't rhyme.
I couldn't think of any word that rhymes with silver, purple or orange, so I invented the word fullourange.
by Nova><Master October 23, 2006
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Someone who bumps really old threads on message boards.
Thread Excavator! Where did you dig up this old thread
by Nova><Master October 24, 2006
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These are standard toppings for burgers & hot dogs. Nobody knows why it isn't the default toppings. Fast Food restaurants nowadays poop out these weird tomatoe, onion, lettuce toppings.

I don't want a fucking salad, I just want my god damn burger! It's not a fucking science.
Ex. 1 - the working man's fight:

(Frank) Can I have a cheeseburger, ketchup and mustard only, nothing else on it?
(five minutes later)
(Frank) WTF I paid for a burger and all you gave me were mustard and ketchup packets...

Ex. 2 - The Restaurant Enigma:

(Bob) Could I have my burger with mustard and ketchup only?
(Waitress) Oh, yes, I'll bring you a bottle of ketchup and a bottle of mustard!
(Bob) No, can you have the chef put the ketchup and mustard on? I hate having to squeeze that shit out and it takes forever. I kind of just want to eat, you know?
(Waitress) Oh, we don't do that! It's not our policy!
(Bob) Fuck your policy, it's called customer service!
by Nova><Master October 29, 2006
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A post that no one gives a fuck about any moure. If you post in an ancient thread, you are considered a "Thread Excavatour" and may as well just hang yourself.
I locked it because it's an ancient thread. Fucking deal with it.
by Nova><Master October 25, 2006
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