47 definitions by NeologianPJG
A swear word to complain about the Omicron Variant of the Covid-19 virus, identified in November of 2021.
The Omicron Variant of the Covid-19 virus caused the whole world to yell out: OmiCrap!
Omicrap! the stock market just tanked, thanks to Omicron.
Omicrap! the stock market just tanked, thanks to Omicron.
by NeologianPJG November 26, 2021
When the act of treason becomes one's ordinary everyday humdrum, so that it seems just downright reasonable.
They wanted to 'lock her up' so bad that Trumpadict Donald} getting the traitor tots involved in colluding with the Russians to interfere in the election just felt treasonable.
by NeologianPJG April 19, 2019
The President who wears poorly fitting suits, a Donald Trump Tie that hangs eight inches too low and is held together with scotch tape, and who often looks embarrassingly frumpy.
by NeologianPJG March 10, 2017
The opposite of MicroAggression.
The way to make it possible to think the best of each other when unintentional MicroAgressions take place is to set the stage with undeniable MacroPleasantries.
The way to make it possible to think the best of each other when unintentional MicroAgressions take place is to set the stage with undeniable MacroPleasantries.
Instead of walking on eggshells in the meeting, I propose we make explicit our best intentions by being openly kind, intentionally and obviously supportive through our practice of MacroPleasantry.
by NeologianPJG January 22, 2019
When the 45th President of the US reads off a teleprompter, and it is obvious he does not believe what he is saying, but people swoon that it makes him appear Presidential.
The teleTrumpster showed up to denounce something terrible, but later on Twitter he showed his true feelings with a Trumper Tantrum that proved he didn't believe a word of what he read on the teleprompter.
by NeologianPJG August 22, 2017
After the horrible day I had I sure needed the intervention of holy spirits!
I'm not picky... I'll take any holy spirits you have on hand: scotch, bourbon-- anything.
I'm not picky... I'll take any holy spirits you have on hand: scotch, bourbon-- anything.
by NeologianPJG April 16, 2020
The children of a traitor.
by NeologianPJG February 16, 2019