26 definitions by Name removed by the NSA

A small explosive generally used by really stupid people
We had a blast playing with firecrackers- until someone got hurt
by Name removed by the NSA November 16, 2013
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A vast network of data that is

40% pornography

30% cat pictures

19% creeps

10% advertisements

10% the word "gay"

1% relevant information

All of which is spied on by the NSA
People keep saying that we should go back to the "Glory days" of the 1950's. But we can't; now we have the internet.
by Name removed by the NSA November 16, 2013
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Atheist: religion is the biggest lie in the history of humankind *insert rest of shitfest*

Normal person: how about you just let me believe what I want to believe?

Atheist: *mind explodes*
by Name removed by the NSA December 9, 2013
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A badass, classic monster. It resembles a human, except for it's long, sharp fangs, and unusually pale skin. It lives on blood, sucking it from it's victims by biting them, usually on the neck. Similar to a zombie, the victim either dies, or turns into a vampire.

A vampire sleeps in a coffin during the day, as it will burn in the daylight. It is also often associated with bats.

Not to be confused with a sparkling little fucking FAIRY that stalks girls in high school 1/8 their age.

Boy: Please die..

This is an example of how the Vampire has been tainted forever.
by Name removed by the NSA December 14, 2013
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What airport security officers do to you if you blink wrong.

Imagine a group of people putting gloves on and taking turns shoving it really far up your ass.
Airport cop: Name?

b: {very arabic name}

Airport cop: Come with me, please.

b: God dammit, it's an anal cavity search, isn't it?

Airport cop: Don't worry, we're only violating a COUPLE of your rights..

*glove snaps*
by Name removed by the NSA January 3, 2014
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Wednesday. The "hump" of the week.
Uh oh... Guess what day it is!

Guess. What. Day. It. Is.
Hey, julie, guess what day it is?
Oh come on, I know you can hear me!
What day is it mike?
Lesley, guess what today is!
(It's hump day)

by Name removed by the NSA December 7, 2013
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