99 definitions by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName

1) A famous Austrian painter who then went on and become leader of Germany and start WWII after being rejected from art school. He also had a book called "Mein Kampf".

2) Adolf Hitler Uunona, a random politician in Nambia.
"There's a politician in Nambia named Adolf Hitler. That's such an unfortunate name to have in this timeline. Also BTW did you know that one Nazi leader was also a painter? He also had a book."
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 7, 2022
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The thing schools love to give us to prevent us from having any more than 1 planck time of free time at home not spent on stuff that's actually fun.

It also used to be a form of punishment, but they decided to say "let's fuck the students and force them into a constant 4 hour of sleep therefore shortening their lifespan to 30 years but paahhhh they'll be long done by the time they're dead so".
"Istg I should be glad I'm not in Minecraft because I'd be killed by Phantoms by the time I finish 10% of my homework. Thanks school very cool."
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 6, 2022
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A very loud laptop that you shouldn't buy unless you for some reason want to play modern games at 60+ FPS on the go.
Want a gaming laptop? Hope you can tolerate extremely loud fan noise.
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 12, 2022
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A term defined on Urban Dictionary that has NEVER been used in that way before. It's not rare to see them as the word of the day, unfortunately. Sometimes, they appear as the first thing you see when you look up a term that has an actual meaning that ISN'T whatever the fake definition says, and sometimes, the specific fake definition has many other people defining the same fake definition.


1) Sexual "definitions" that "defines" something that is neither inherently sexual nor used in any sort of sexual term (ex: one of the definitions for downloading)

2) "Definitions" for common real life names (ex: Susan)

3) Inside jokes between like 1 or 2 small friend groups
Jack: Yo Brain let's search up our names on UrbDic to see what kind of fake definitions no-lifes there put as the "definitons" for our names.

Brain: Apparently, they put "a cool and chill introvert" under my name

Jack: Cool. I got "a fuckboy who made so many girls (and boys) lose their virginity".
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 6, 2022
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MrBeast's brother.

He now posts videos on a gaming channel called CJTheseDays
"Where tf did MrBro go? He hasn't uploaded in so long."

"Not on his main channel. He still uploads on another channel he owns."
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 7, 2022
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A name of English and Dutch origin that apparently means something like "gift". USUALLY used as a boys' name.

Also known as the first name of the Breaking Bad character "Jesse Pinkman".
"Jesse is the manager of this particular Walmart location."
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 9, 2022
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A Nambian politician with a very unfortunate name.
If I was Adolf Hitler Uunona and I recently learned about the Holocaust and other Nazi war crimes, I'd try and change my name ASAP.
by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 21, 2022
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