14 definitions by MrHobbes69

A right wing movement that actually helps democrats more than they help republicans.
Tim: Dude this is awesome the Guy Ted Cruz and the tea party supported won the primary.

Republican: Great now all the moderate voters are going to vote democrat because of your extremism.
by MrHobbes69 June 22, 2014
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A word a military tard uses when he is grunting or blindly following orders.
Commander: Soldier I want you to take out that entire town of innocent chilrend.

Soldier: HOOAH!

Commander: WTF is wrong with you are you a retard or something?
by MrHobbes69 August 17, 2014
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Former Disney Channel star that looks like a man with her new haircut. Last year she dry humped beetle juice in a desperate plea for attention. Reality is setting in that she is just an ugly butch. She can also be seen frequenting WNBA games
Dude I ran into Miley Cyrus at the WNBA game last night, SHES A MAN BABY!
by MrHobbes69 August 17, 2014
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A tatoo that generally means a person is going to be a leach on society forever by wasting our tax dollars rotting in prison.
Todd: Mom Johhny just got a teardrop tatoo.

Mom: FUCK, might as well just throw him in prison now because he pretty much just sealed the deal by getting that tatoo
by MrHobbes69 June 23, 2014
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A cult that people use to get sober. Though stating it is not a religion every meeting has readings, an offering basket, and talks a lot about God. For a lot of people AA becomes the new addiction. The majority of people are full of shit and show up drunk to the meetings and claim they have been sober for 20 years even though they smell like a bottle of cheap vodka.
Instead of just not drinking a lot of suckers think only God can do it for them via Alcoholics Anonymous when in reality all you have to do is not pick up the fucking bottle. The founder Bill W was a massive drug user, sex addict, and was probably drunk more than half the time at AA meetings.
by MrHobbes69 July 17, 2014
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A mark on a person that generally condems them to a life of crime, the more tattoos one has the higher the chance of a life filled with jails and institutions.
Ericas Dad: Erica just got like 20 tattoos all over her body

Ericas Mom: Well fuck we just pissed away 50k on her college. I wish she would have told me that so I could have prepped her for a life of crime.
by MrHobbes69 June 23, 2014
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The sesnsation caused by years of wearing straight boxers causing the balls to sag more and more
Man I wish I would have worn boxer briefs the last 20 years. My ball sag is so bad I could fucking mop the floor with my nuts.
by MrHobbes69 June 23, 2014
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