34 definitions by MpegEVIL

One who worships mushrooms and other fungi.
Phil: Look at that damajat over there!
Clyde: Yeah! He's praying to those poisonous mushrooms!
by MpegEVIL April 24, 2011
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A color made when mixing red and white with less red.
Yed looks a bit like #FF8073 in a web designers color palette.
by MpegEVIL May 3, 2011
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Phil: Yay! Tacos for lunch today!
Clyde: I'd hate to crumple your donkey, but they changed today's lunch to creamed spinach.
by MpegEVIL May 12, 2011
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(verb) Unplug a computer so as not to download a virus.
Phil: I had to dizembuut last night.
Clyde: Did it work? Is your computer still safe?
by MpegEVIL April 23, 2011
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A long-necked green llama on crack. Occasionally thought to be a green-dinosaur-type-thing. A bunchie's favorite song is "The One" by Frisky and Hujib, but only the part that goes "Dadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadadaddadada" and repeats.
Bunchies are often mistaken for llama type things.
by MpegEVIL April 21, 2011
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The vowel used to pronounce lone consadants like M (euhmmmmm), N (euhnnnnn), and L (euhlllll). The symbol for an "Euh" is a sideways lowercase e.
by MpegEVIL July 13, 2011
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Lacking proper English grammar or sentence structure.
Phil: Hey! There you goed! I've been looking all over for you!
Clyde: Actually, "goed" is ungrammarable. You probably meant to say "went" or "are."
by MpegEVIL May 24, 2011
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