14 definitions by Melvin_flynt_da hustla


Rap Group out of harlem. Consists of Cam'Ron, Jim Jones, Un Casa, Juelz Santana, Hell Rell, Jr.Writa
Damn! Diplomats tore up da joint last night
by Melvin_flynt_da hustla November 14, 2003
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Dirt-ay hoe that fucks a guy once and doesnt leave. She gets him to pay her bills and have her babies and take care of them while she fucks other guys
Sabrina is a pigeon
by Melvin_flynt_da hustla November 14, 2003
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Twankie Deuces

21 inches or more (usually refers to rims)
Yo derrty! Look at dose ugly-ass twankies!
by Melvin_flynt_da hustla November 14, 2003
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Yo Jay, this is only a .3! What the fuck! I paid for a fin!
by Melvin_flynt_da hustla November 14, 2003
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To keep it moving. Used as a greeting-Noreaga
Yo Anthony *what what* shamone
by Melvin_flynt_da hustla November 14, 2003
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a knife, or the action of stabbing some1 (shanking them)
by Melvin_flynt_da hustla November 14, 2003
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Lefrack, Queens (often mistaken for the middle eastern country *Iraq*)
Noreaga is straight outta Irack
by Melvin_flynt_da hustla November 14, 2003
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