21 definitions by Matt.....

A negative way of describing someone in the scientific field who spends a vast majority of his or her time in front of a bench or lab station performing mundane and repetitive tasks. The typical entry level position for college graduates who enter a science job and how disgruntled lab techs refer to themselves. Those who do well are typically promoted to a supervisory or managerial position before going on to get an advanced degree such as an MBA or PhD.
Billy got a bachelors in biology and his first job was working as a low paid bench jockey.

Brian got a masters in biology but still had to start off as a higher paid bench jockey.

Sue got a bachelors in biology and like her colleagues had to start as a bench jockey. After a few years she left to get her MBA and now oversees all of her company's bench jockeys.
by Matt..... April 4, 2011
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1. In literature, media, and folklore, a "traditional" vampire is a demon who consumes blood of humans or animals for nourishment. Sometimes a human who has been bit by a vampire will transform into a vampire themselves. Vampires have a fear of anything holy, garlic, and the sun. Vampires have a child-like mentality, as they are unable to enter places or do certain things without permission, as was first addressed in Bram Stoker's "Dracula." Most commonly killed by a stake through the heart.

2. Any species of bat that consumes blood. Three types of vampire bats are the Common Vampire Bat (Desmodus rotundus), the Hairy Legged VB (Diphylla ecaudata), and the White-Winged VB (Diaemus youngi). They rarely attack humans and mostly consume blood from livestock or birds.

3. Any member of the goth subculture who thinks that listening to Norwegian death metal, dressing in long black clothing, and being a fan of vampire movies and/or blood will make them a full-fledged vampire. Refuse to believe that vampires are just the work of folklore. Can usually be seen outside Hot Topic, alone, as nobody will be their friend because they "don't want to associate with the living."
1. Bram Stoker's "Dracula" is considered the premiere text of vampire folklore.

2. Vampire bats are common in tropical climates, barns, and zoos.

3. This was an actual example from someone I met at the mall who was claiming to be a vampire. They became my "source," so to speak.
by Matt..... October 10, 2007
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An sporting event originating in Greece as an honor to the gods. In more modern times it has become an international sporting contest were most of the world's countries participate every four years. The athletes selected to participate are their country's cream of the crop and represent their home nation with unparalleled pride. Being awarded a medal means you are one of the best athletes in the world. A pure and true athletic spectacle that has unfortunately received less popularity in recent years.
The true, original definition of athleticism originated at the ancient Olympics. Being allowed to represent your country is considered the ultimate goal for almost every athlete in the world.
by Matt..... August 9, 2008
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Any book that contains directions on how to make or "cook" a variety of substances, be it legal or not.
EX 1a: Hey John, where did you get that awesome salmon recipe?
EX 1b: I found it in this chef's cookbook.

EX 2a: How do I make the stock solution for a Nessler's reagent?
EX 2b: I dunno, check the cookbook.

EX 3: The local drug dealer was arrested and on the scene officers found a cookbook with instructions on how to make various narcotics.
by Matt..... January 19, 2011
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German bass guitar company. Warwicks use exotic woods, typically without finish, and unusual designs to achieve a more growling tone. Prices range from about $1,000 to over $10,000 for more limited release models. Also has a line of cheaper, lesser quality basses called "RockBass."
A Warwick Streamer Stage II will run you about $4800 for a 4 string model, whereas a Corvette Standard will only cost about $1200.
by Matt..... August 21, 2008
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Unadulterated pain. If you are a biology or chemistry student there is a very high probability that this will be the hardest class you take. It is seriously impossible to get an A unless you have a photographic memory. No, I'm not being snide, I'm being completely serious - learning all the reactions, regulations, pathways, mechanisms, structures, etc. is impossible without it.

Typically offered as an option based around the lie that it will "make your transcript look stronger," the fact of the matter is that it will drop your GPA like an anchor. Biochemistry has the evil ability to not only make sure you get a low grade in it but that all your other classes grades are brought down with it. It will also destroy your sleep pattern and social life while drastically increasing your alcohol intake.

Seriously, avoid this like the plague.
Little Billy enrolled in biochemistry and now he's graduating with a horrible GPA
by Matt..... December 13, 2010
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Short for "International Rugby Board," the world-governing body of rugby union. The IRB is responsible for international matches, rankings, and keeping team managers in check. Similar to FIFA except it's actually effective, not run by complete idiots and hires competent refs.
If it weren't for the IRB rugby would be a clusterfuck. Just like FIFA.
by Matt..... June 25, 2010
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