6 definitions by Matiurban

Someone who frames others way too much, for no reason at all..
Clarissa: I asked Kyle where I had left my pencil last class. He told me Kyle had taken it, but minutes later, he told me Giuseppe had taken it? I don't know if I should trust him.
McKayla: I just think he's a frambionotic fuck.
by Matiurban May 21, 2023
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Form of being where your fortune is exponentially increased.
Unlucky Guy: That is IT. This is the 57th time I've lost at this SLOTS MACHINE. I'M GOING CHANCEMODE
Lucky Guy, Formerly Unlucky Guy: I WON THE SLOTS MACHINE
by Matiurban June 29, 2023
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When you witness a conflict go down, but instead, of doing anything or watch, you walk away and pretend you didn't see anything.
Guy 1: Did you really go out with Stacy, man!? You knew I was into her!
Guy 2, backing off: C'mon, man, I couldn't resist, she was ASKING for it!
Guy 1, lifting his sleeve: You fucking asshole.
Witnesscapist: I better get the fuck out of here
by Matiurban May 4, 2023
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Amelia: " 'ya see Roy the other day? How he thought keeping his fish in an unclean tank would be safe?"
Madelyn: "What a fucking hoser. he's such a Slow Joe, eh?"
by Matiurban May 4, 2023
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The sudden, but not unwelcomed, growth spurt of a rotting limb on the human body caused by an anomaly in the molecular processes of gene regulation. May occur at anytime in your life.
Guy, suffering Amplustation: Dude, I think I have amplustation. No way I had 3 arms before yesterday. Nevermind a rotting one...
Guy, Normal: That's fucked.
by Matiurban May 7, 2023
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Guy 1: I'm going to pursue a macademic career.
Guy 2: What?
Guy 1: You know, like a macademia?
Guy 2: Dude. That's not a thing
by Matiurban May 21, 2023
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