14 definitions by ManOfCars

To act like or make noises simular to a grandfather clock when it stricks the top of the hour.
"He is bonging like a clock" said Ariel.
by ManOfCars February 23, 2009
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A group of symbols used to describe a penis that is cumming. Usually used on IM or through texting.

Break Down:

=-shaft(each equal sign is used to represent 1 inch)
Ben: "What happened last night with you and Sara?"
Jerry: "8==>~"
"that's all I can say!"
Ben: "Shit man. I sorry."
by ManOfCars April 18, 2009
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That chick back there was a total pimpet! Did yah see her?
by ManOfCars May 11, 2009
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While in class or an important meeting where texting is prohibited, one uses a book, wall, backpack, person, etc blocking the view of you texting from the teacher/instructor.
Ryan: "He Sally, I need to use your backpack as a text block."
Sally: "Ok, just don't make it obvious!"
by ManOfCars March 4, 2009
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The one year, one month, and so on, anniversary of the first time you smoked a blunt. A true day to remember. And what do you do to celebrate? Roll another blunt!
Tex: "Dude, guess what today is!?"
Marko: "What?"
Tex: "It's my bluntaversary!"
Marko: "What are you gonna do to celebrate?"
Tex: "Roll another blunt! Wanna join me in celebrating?"
Marko: "Sure dude!"
by ManOfCars June 15, 2009
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When you get a wedgie so bad that it makes your balls hurt just like they tied in a knot.
Ron: "Dude, I just a major wedgie!"
Denny: "Man, that must have hurt like hell!?"
Ron: "Yah, I pretty much had my balls in a knot!"
by ManOfCars June 15, 2009
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The taco bell apocalypse will come when Taco Bell goes out of business...lets hope that will never happen! People will die and mexico will be raided for tacos! The the price of tacos, meat, beef, cheese, beans, and everything else included on the taco bell menu with in short supply and the prices will sky rocket for them! Also the world will have to rely on KFC for its supply of sporks!
Phillipe:"Did you hear Taco Bell is going out of business and the government didn't give them a bail out?"
Roderigo: "What the fuck is the government thinking! Don't they know if Taco Bell goes out of business there will be a taco bell apocalypse!?"
Phillipe: "Yah there setting themselves up for a big one aren't they?"
by ManOfCars June 18, 2009
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