16 definitions by MBC

A device used to beat a pigpen or to make the game of hogsoccer more entertaining.
As I beat that bitch with a plunger O smacked her with a hamsandwich.
by MBC March 31, 2003
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A woman skilled at using both hands and feet to please multiple partners at the same time.
All six of them are in the bedroom fucking that slut monkey.
by MBC April 1, 2003
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A sanctuary in which to play hogsoccer.
Before we whipped out the plunger and hamsandwich we locked the door to the toolshed.
by MBC March 31, 2003
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A man's semen shot at high velocity toward anothers face and or torso.
My Coconut Juice shoots straight for the grill!
by MBC March 28, 2003
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A book keeper who blinks uncontrolably when angry, anoyed, or slightly aroused.
Blinky unleashed her fury on Tom for fucking up the checks.
by MBC April 2, 2003
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