10 definitions by LuizLeitao

The day in which a crime was committed.
The suspect was seen near the crime scene on the day of.
by LuizLeitao February 9, 2017
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And in this domain, a big shot from the big city, with his fine credentials and his heaven-may-care grooming just doesn't have the power he's accustomed to.
by LuizLeitao March 11, 2018
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I understand that Mr White is feeling under the weather today, so you folks are going to have to be making do with me today.
by LuizLeitao April 29, 2015
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— How much do you think one of these condos sets you back?
— A stick and a half, at least!
million money dollars half
by LuizLeitao November 3, 2015
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When you are totally involved in something illegal
He wouldn't say shit, because he's already in it up to his elbows.
by LuizLeitao July 2, 2015
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To make someone feel someone uncomfortable, unseasy by saying something
Example of weird out: Sorry if I weirded you out when I first met you.
by LuizLeitao January 28, 2018
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Well-tended: a well-kept, tidy, good-looking place such as a garden or house.
My clients, exhibiting extreme poor judgement, followed your grand mother to this delightful, well-tended home.
by LuizLeitao April 11, 2015
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