90 definitions by Louis


Like a bit of inout I do.
by Louis October 24, 2001
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A booger that is supended near the opening of a nostril so that it is noticeable to an onlooker.
Uh, dude, take this kleenex. You got a cliff hanger.
by Louis February 22, 2005
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A lot. Well more than 4 anyhow.
(usuall semi-infantile)
..and then he burped a bersquillionpajillion times!!!
by Louis October 19, 2001
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lame thing to say if your a clueless newbie. Stands for Age Sex Location.
Hi, im after netsex asl?
by Louis October 18, 2001
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Telstra monkeys

They are monkies. They work for telstra.
Working on the same princaple as Doglas Adams infinate number of monkies.
What a bunch of telstra monkies!
by Louis October 18, 2001
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bum chum

A Bum chum is a male boyfriend to another male.
Elton John is David Fernishes "Bum Chum"
by Louis June 6, 2003
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"HAHA you suck!"
"Not as much as RustyNail"
"tru tru"
by Louis January 19, 2004
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