52 definitions by LordJenal

Absolute idiot responsible for a wide range of annoying things. He ruined the recipe's of Irn Bru, Lucozade and other well known soft drinks with his dumb sugar tax and furthermore the recipe of Coca Pops. He also banned Turkey Twizzlers in schools for apparent reason. He also forced UK supermarkets to put voluntary age restrictions of 16 and over on energy drinks where people in their 30s are getting ID'd. This man thinks that he is the king of food and drink choices.
Jamie Oliver is an absolute moron who loves ruining people's food and drink choices! When did anyone ever tell him what he was allowed to eat or drink?
by LordJenal April 15, 2023
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A variation of spazmoid. Essentially a stupid person who has no idea on how to behave or does idiotic or annoying things.
What are you doing that for you Spaz Molloyd!
by LordJenal May 21, 2023
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A phrase that railway companies and British Transport Police say over and over to try and deliberately agitate passengers of trains or those inside a train station.
*Announcement in train station*: See it. Say it. Sorted.
by LordJenal July 27, 2023
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To bunk of work unauthorised so that you can lie in bed all day jerking off to Anime porn.
Employee: Good day
Boss: Oy, I know you had a wank holiday yesterday!
by LordJenal August 28, 2022
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A highly secure residential estate in Manchester, England that houses people who have "strange ways" (strange behaviour).
The inmates at Strangeways sure do have "strange ways" of living live.
by LordJenal April 17, 2023
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Something that is done on a public train, bus, tram, etc... It is the act of one person finding two free seats, sitting down on one of the seats and placing their bag on the other seat to try and deter other people from sitting down. It is often seen as quite rude and selfish when people are hogging two seats. The main motive is mainly because some people feel uncomfortable about a stranger sat in a very close proximity to them which is understandable but not much that can be done when busy though, better than people standing up.
How dare that kid place a bag onto that seat when the train is this busy. That's seat hogging for you.
by LordJenal December 6, 2022
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