7 definitions by Lord evil

A woman, way past her prime, that frequents Rock and Biker bars in a desperate attempt to have fun. From the rear she looks deceivingly attractive but as you get closer and she turns around; Blamo! You see her face is weather beaten and drawn, like that of crypt keeper on meth.
This deception of beauty is achieved by wearing revealing clothing and wearing her hair long, to cover her hideously time worn face.
She dances on the bar drunk, searching for young attractive women to friend and steal their youth. She should be approached with caution like Medusa, never gaze into her sunken in eye sockets or accept a drink from her, then she will never leave.
While I was walking down the street I saw a hot chick up ahead, as I got closer she flipped her hair back and revealed her skullface. The icy stare from her sunken eyes and her toothless grin forced me to puke in the bushes nearby.
by Lord evil January 19, 2014
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A killjoy that sucks all the fun out of life with their pretentious, politically correct bullshit and find every joke offensive. Usually a miserable dolt with zero creativity and sense of humor, they infect their hosts and surrounding and destroy any chance of a good time.
Wow! I didn’t know that Dave was such a Humor Leper, you can’t crack joke without getting a lecture from him, leave him home next time
by Lord evil May 23, 2013
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A female hipster, overly large female that sways back and forth blocking the entrance of the establishment and the sidewalk at the same time. Oblivious to the world and rude as hell.
I asked the pigster nicely to move so I could get by and she ignored me, I had to check her like a hockey player
by Lord evil February 17, 2016
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A obese vegetarian. One who has replaced meat in there diet with cookies, cake, ice cream and other junk food.

Self righteous and rude, condemns meat eaters. and is usually on assisted breathing machine.
Did you see the Megatarian eat all the cheese doodles?
by Lord evil March 22, 2013
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An awkward memory brought to the surface during a Journey song. The memory is usually of a relationship that ended badly which is brought on by the whining singing and bad 1980s sound of the Rock band Journey. Depression and thoughts of suicide follow a Journey Moment.
Why is Bob out on the ledge again?!?! They played Separate Ways on the radio again; he is having a Journey Moment! Don’t worry he will be back soon.
by Lord evil May 15, 2013
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A rather large and vocal group of intoxicated middle-aged men attending an outdoor event. Mostly obese and sometimes shirtless, they pump there fists into the air and belly slap each other at backyard barbeques, tailgate parties and other open air gatherings.
They love all sporting events and Hair Metal, high “five–in” themselves to the hits and other low brow simian activities. Will approach an attractive female at will and say something moronic.

Dope, Moron, Idiot, Imbecile, sports, Hair Metal, dolt, maroon, dumb dumb, genius, quiet, smooth,
That Tardyard event next door is getting out of hand; maybe we should call the police.

If that Tardyard doesn’t cut it, I’m throwing my shoe at them!
by Lord evil May 15, 2013
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The act of vomiting into a urinal after drinking to many Jager Bombs at a Hardcore show!
Can we go now or is George still europaing in the mens room?
by Lord evil December 12, 2013
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