50 definitions by Lon

A way of describing something as being overwhelmingly good, or having a superior quality that sets it apart from the rest. The idea is that the quality "hits you like a hammer."
Dude, that pizza we had last night was The Hammer.
by Lon March 11, 2008
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What occurs when it's so cold outside that your penis shrivels down to the size of a tator tot.
Dude, it's freezing outside. I was so tator tottin' it.
by Lon March 8, 2006
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In the Star Wars universe, Midichlorian's are chemical compounds found within every living cell that forms the basis between the connection life and the Force. Without midichlorians, life would be impossible. According to Star Wars lore, the amount of midichlorians in a life from represents it's ability to understand, comprehend, and manipulate the Force.

According to Qui-Gon Jinn, in Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace, Anakin Skywalker had the highest midichlorian count in any life form ever detected. That count was 20,000 per cell. This number was even higher than Yoda's.

However, one can only hypothesize how many midichlorians Anakin's son, Luke had.
Midichlorians fundamentally connect you to the Force.
by Lon May 23, 2005
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The nemesis of Marty in the Back To the Future film series. Marty manages to encounter several different relatives of the Tanner family throughout the three BTF movies.
Biff - "How about you make like a tree, and get out of here!"
by Lon September 1, 2005
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These are the type of women in your life who constantly nag, are bitchy, and generally are intolerable to be around. This is a play on words of "weapons of mass destruction"
My mom is totally being a WMF today.
by Lon August 9, 2005
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Weblish is a form of english that is used as a slang for online conversations. See also, internet jargon.
OMG ur such a jerk! WTF is ur problem?
by Lon July 16, 2005
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