80 definitions by Kitty

1. A sound that a cat or kitten makes when asking for food, when wanting to be let inside or when being random.

2. Adjective. Used to show your appricication of an attractive person.

3. The Meow Scale. A scale from 1 to 10 used to meaure the rate of anything you want. For example: on a meow of 1 to 10, I think this calculus paper has a meow of 4.6
Meow! looking hot tonight!!

This apple crumble deserves a meow of 9!
Tonight Im feeling pretty frisky, with a meowness of 8 : P
by Kitty November 26, 2004
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1) a sound that kitties and bunnies make

2) may also be in several variations as a salutation or form of greeting. to be used in conjunction with any of the following: mao, moo, booga.

3) a general term of endearment
*cat spies bunny* mooo ... mao ... WUFFLES!


hello my wuffleness :)
by Kitty February 19, 2004
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a big pain you have when your spouse is having the same pain at the same time.
OH SHIT!! I'm having a baby!!!

Boyfriend: SO AM I!!!
by Kitty December 26, 2003
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When someone you love is in pain and you are in pain because you love them so much. In other words, When the person you love..(your sould mate)..Is in pain..and you are in the same type of pain because you have sympathy for them.
My boyfriend and I are sick and having the same symptoms as each other..I think I am having sympathy pains for him.
by Kitty December 26, 2003
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the short and short of it is to go out and screw peeps.
chick 1:yea, i just got back from screwin that one guy.
chick 2: coolio.
by Kitty December 2, 2003
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The guy you leave at home when you want to have fun!
(girl going out to have fun) "Bye hun,I'll be home later."

(guy on the computer) "sure, see ya."
by Kitty April 8, 2004
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