8 definitions by Kazaam with Shaquille O’Neal

When a gnome cream pies a regular person.
Even though Daniel the Gnome was only 2 feet tall, he still managed to keempie Stacy at prom at the center of the dance floor.
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Someone who has twigs for arms and legs but practically has a tumor of of grease and bad decisions for a torso.
“All the girls go crazy for that Goblin-Bod nowadays,” Chris said to himself in the mirror, a tear rolling down his face, aware of the lie he had told himself.
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When gynecomastia takes place and a dude’s nipples turn into razor-sharp prisms.
“When Brad took his shirt off, he had a mad set of pyramids hanging off of him.”
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When you eat 1-2 more vitamin gummies than the serving size says to and you get higher than the moon.
Zack quickly ran behind his Mom, just barely hiding from her view. In a moment of triumph, he quickly dove over to the vitamin gummies and grabbed a handful of 6-7. But, within seconds, Zack’s mind got charred with psychedelic images and euphoric feelings, and to this day, he’s still on vitamin gummies, unable to be satisfied without their irresistible high and mediocre flavor.

Don’t try Hi-Tamins.

Not. Even. Once.
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Someone who smokes weed constantly, on the hour every hour.
“We got a Green Man stinkin’ up our apartment complex, and I’m gettin’ real fed up with him!”
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Someone who uses psychedelic or high-inducing materials or substances completely incorrectly, like chugging a bong, eating raw weed, drinking heroin, etc..
Person 1: “Did you see Aiden trying to snort weed at the party last night?”

Person 2: “Yeah man! He totally Chugged the Bong.”
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When you’re eating oatmeal and some falls onto your crotch region, essentially creampieing the person.
“Jessica got oatmeal creampied this morning in the cafeteria.”
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