18 definitions by Katopolis

Something that commonly contains many other aim names, but are also commonly rarely talked to.
Person: I have 126 names in my aim buddy list, but only chat with 5 of them on a regular basis. The rest, however, barely if ever.
by Katopolis December 22, 2004
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Considered an exotic food, it is far than being anywhere near exotic. Head cheese is made of the different parts of the heads of different animals that were used for other meats, and called "exotic" when in fact is truly nothing more than a ball of leftovers.
Having a steak and potato dinner at a steak house is more exotic than having a slice of headcheese. Eww...
by Katopolis February 21, 2005
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A guy who is so hardcore feminist it's to the point of being almost nauseating. His favorite theme is the paternity test, and he always coddles the girls and is mean to the men, even the men that are the right (yes, it DOES happen).
Maury Povich is almost out of tampons.
by Katopolis February 15, 2005
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The television station that is 100% opinionated when it comes to "facts" they talk about on tv, when really it's all what the producers think.
"Awesomely Bad Videos," "Awesomely Bad Love Songs," etc...
by Katopolis February 15, 2005
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A human maze that was built in Vacaville, CA in 1988. It always struggled to stay open, due to the fact that it was outside and Vacaville is so hot in the summer, which was when kids could go. It has been closed and was burned down a few years ago. A car dealership was built on the property soon after.
I went to the Wooz a few years ago...that place was cool. Too bad it's not there anymore. :(
by Katopolis January 29, 2005
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1. Person: "I finally have dsl now...fuck dial-up!"
2. Guy: "Damn Angelina Jolie sure has a nice set of dsl."
by Katopolis February 14, 2005
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Sorry you all feel that way, but I like my name and defs, and there isn't anything you can do about it.
by Katopolis April 2, 2005
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