7 definitions by KT<3

rolling on the mother fucking floor laughing my mother fucking ass off
Jane: dUde, R U stonnED?
Alec: rotmfflmmfao
Jane: wtf???
Alec: asdfjkl;
by KT<3 October 2, 2006
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HTML for a bold font.
when i'm writting on myspace, i like to use the <b> HTML so my words look thicker.
by KT<3 August 20, 2006
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AZT is a nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor.

Today, the customary dose is either 3 capsules twice a day or 2 capsules three times a day. There are several good reasons to adjust the usual dose -- make sure you go to a doctor who specializes in HIV Disease.

AZT is fairly easy to take, but a small percentage of people feel side-effects. The most dangerous is severe anemia, but that's fairly rare. Other possible side effects include headache and muscle loss.

Taking AZT alone (called "monotherapy") can let HIV mutate into a strain that is resistant to the drug. Today, AZT is most commonly used with one or two other drugs.

In the movie, Rent, AZT could not help Angel with his AIDs
by KT<3 August 1, 2006
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Mens/boys undercloths (shirts, shorts).
I saw Drake yesterday in his tight BVDs. He's got a great bod!
by KT<3 May 29, 2006
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Hollywood Undead. Writters/ Singers of the song "Scene For Dummies".

Genere: Hip Hop / Hardcore / Screamo

Lyrical Genius - Charlie Scene
Sweet Talker - J-Dog
Loud Mouth - Da Kurlzz
Singer - Tha Producer
African Baritone - Funny Man
The Server- Johnny 3 Tears
HU lyrics- Scene For Dummies: These scene clubs I run these, I should write the book how to be scene for dummies!
by KT<3 August 4, 2006
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thizz pills also refered to as: thizz, e, x, and xtc
i was poppin them purple spiders last night and i woke up dis morning in a feild with a wild crack dog.
by KT<3 September 18, 2006
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