27 definitions by Jrob

Supermarionation (a portmanteau of "super", "marionette" and "animation") is a puppetry technique devised in the 1960s by British production company AP Films. It was used extensively in the company's numerous Gerry and Sylvia Anderson-produced action-adventure series, the most famous of which was Thunderbirds. The term was coined by Gerry Anderson, possibly in imitation of Ray Harryhausen's stop motion technique.

Thunderbirds is a British mid-1960s television show devised by Gerry and Sylvia Anderson and made by AP Films using a form of puppetry dubbed "Supermarionation".
by Jrob April 10, 2007
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"rumor intelligence" - iIntelligence information based on rumors rather than facts.
Much of the Bush administration's evidence for Iraq's reconstituted nuclear program, thriving chemical-biological development program, and active Iraqi link with Al Qaeda was based on what intelligence analysts call "rumint."
by Jrob October 28, 2005
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(roh-BUHS-chuhs)- Boisterous; vigorous - Coarse; rough; crude.
When the meaning of the disturbance became clear to him he placed a hand beside his mouth and shouted: "Hey! Frank!" in such a robustious voice that the feeble clamor of the natives was drowned and silenced.
-- O. Henry, Cabbages and Kings

by Jrob August 25, 2006
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highly motivated employee who has few personal responsibilities and so can work long hours, travel frequently, or be called in to work with little notice.
The ideal zero drag employee is young, unmarried and childless with no responsibilities and an eagerness to do well.
by Jrob October 28, 2005
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A vehicle, monitored by the police, that is used to tempt a car thief into stealing it.
The Vancouver police operate with "bait cars" to trap car thieves. The vehicles, equipped with disabling devices and global-positioning equipment, are parked in a lot where thieves have been active. The bait-car program is well known to car thieves, who consider the practice unsporting,
by Jrob November 17, 2005
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A car ashtray that has been repurposed as a coinholder.
Here comes another toll - open the cashtray!
by Jrob July 1, 2005
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An employee brought in for a particular project or set time period.
Management is not sure if we are over the hump yet, so they are brining in some coin-operated employees to help with this project.
by Jrob January 8, 2010
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