62 definitions by Joe725

One of the worst kinds of posers. These people pose as hardcore fans for bands, usually to look sophisticated or unique, or cool. But don't actually like the music for the sound, only for how they think it makes them look. Hardcore fan posers usually do memorize songs of the band, just so that they can look like real fans. Hardcore fan posers insult people when they say another band is higher in a certain field then that band. It is because they like the label of the band and it insults them to see the band they feel sophisticated/cool/etc listening to, being insulted. When someone says that one member of one band is better than a member of the band they are posing as a hardcore fan of, they will just retaliate by saying that the band they pose as a hardcore fan of is better, even though the other person didn't necessarily say that.
person: The Mars Volta is more experimental than Pink Floyd.


person: Stfu, I like Pink Floyd, you're such a hardcore fan poser. I didn't say they were better, now just listen to The Mars Volta and face the fact that they are more experimental.

hardcorefanposer: SHUT UP! YOU'RE GAY!

person: Do you even know how Pink Floyd got their name?

hardcorefanposer: They thought it up randomly.

person: uh no, they took the first names of two blues artists: Pink Anderson, and Floyd Council.
by Joe725 March 23, 2007
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When either person in a relationship uses the fact that other loves them or said that they loved them in order to make them do stuff for them or control the relationship entirely.
Girl: I wanna go shopping.
Boy: But me and my friends were going to hang out, one of them is leaving for the summer.
Girl: You said you loved me, if you loved me you would take me shopping.
Boy: Don't abuse the love card or I'm breaking up with you.
by Joe725 June 21, 2008
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The middle finger of Metal heads.

The rock on sign upside down. Given as a rude gesture to mostly people wearing Slipknot shirts, and shirts of other gay Metal bands. It is basically saying the opposite of "Rock on".
I saw this kid at the mall in a Slipknot shirt, and I gave him the upside down rock on sign. Then he ran away and cried.
by Joe725 August 5, 2007
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Noun: One who does an activity that exhibits noise as loud as possible in order to piss the people around them off. They usually do things such as listen to music loudly.

Verb: To do an activity that exhibits noise as loud as possible in order to piss the surrounding people off.
1) My neighbor is such an audiotroll, he blasts Green Day in the middle of the night even though he hates them.

2) The boy on the subway was bored, so he decided to audiotroll by blasting Nile on his I-Pod.
by Joe725 March 31, 2008
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A music style that formed in the 80's out of reggae influence. It was forming a little bit after the rap style was formed. It borrowed the spoken type of lyrics and it had trumpet and very upbeat and stimulating rhythms.

Hip-hop is different from rap because rap is very poetic but it has a beat to keep a steady flow, (a beat as in drums or anything that makes a short sound) It (was) started/influnced with/by the James Brown song "The Big Comeback"

Hip-hop got mixed up with rap when Run-D.M.C. came in, they created songs that were a mix of both styles, such as "King of Rock", it had poetic lyrics, drums and guitar which had savory rhythm. Run-D.M.C. were very good with poetry and they used Hip-hop melodies and rap beats mixed in their songs.

Modern Hip-hop is called rap but it isn't very poetic, it is almost like 80's Hip-hop but the reggae influence has been replaced with synth, the modern "rappers" are actually Hip-hop artists but the average person calls them rappers because it is shorter than "Hip-hop artist". Out of the laziness of people to say 2 words instead of one; Hip-hop and rap have been mixed up.

Rap is dead these days and the last rappers were Run-D.M.C. and maybe Tupac.

I do not like modern Hip-hop cause the artists try to make catchy, rhyming lyrics but because they don't have poetic minds they have to slur and mispronounce words to make them rhyme. Example: the song "Throw some D's" you hear the word "caddilick" a lot. I listen to the song just to laugh at it, I am even laughing as I write this.

Hip-hop was a great upbeat style but it is now all about image, the best of modern Hip-hop is ok to me but I really liked the early Hip-hop.
by Joe725 April 21, 2007
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A person that isnt strange or cool or funny so he/she wears gothic clothing but usually doesnt act gothic just wears the clothing for attention
normal person: hey goth! how many times didja cut today?
goth poser: i dont cut so shut the fuck up!
normal person:riiiiiiiiiiiiiiight
by Joe725 June 25, 2006
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People who think they are better than everyone else.

In terms of social groups centered are music.

Most Metalheads, Classic Rock-heads Indie fans, and Hipsters are elitists.

Metalheads tend to think that taste in music is all that matters in the quality of a person. Also they think Metal is the ultimate music. So they think that people who listen to Metal are superior to those who do not.

Classic Rock-heads are the same way as Metalheads. They are a little more open minded but still elitists.

Indie fans think that unknown music is superior. They are not as strong about their musical taste as metalheads, but they still believe they are better than those who listen to bands everyone knows.

Hipsters tend to think those who don't listen to whats in are strange and different and therefore insuperior to them.

In terms of social groups not centered around music.

Jocks, and Preps are elitists.

Most Jocks believe anyone who sucks at sports and gets good grades are insuperior to them.

Some preps believe anyone who doesn't have a sense of fashion or isn't like them or everyone else is insuperior.
by Joe725 December 22, 2007
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