62 definitions by Joe725

Lead guitarist of DragonForce. Can't play his own songs live without missing 3/4's of the notes. Don't believe the live videos on youtube, those are just good ones, where you can't even tell how much he is messing up. The guitar is sped up in the studio, and corrected to the appropriate pitch so it sounds like he is playing that fast without the chipmunk sounding effect you get from speeding something up. But still sounds different than if you actually play that fast.

Even if he could play that fast he still isn't a good guitarist. He is ok, none of his riffs are that great, most attention doesn't come from his skill but his "speed".
Newbie Metalhead: OMGZ HERMAN LI PWNZ!
Metalhead: Shut the fuck up.
by Joe725 November 22, 2007
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The history of rap

In the times of slavery slaves would sing call and response songs in the slave pens which turned into Blues, Jazz Swing, and R&B such as Louis Armstrong and Ray Charles. Louis Armstrong made Jazz more of a solo kind of style instead of in orchestras. The blues music was from bad happenings in their lives and from the slavery. Jazz was a style with a rythm that moved more and swing was more crazy and out of control. Scat singing was a wordless singing style which was for rythm. In the ghetto after the slavery but during the descrimination people only had their voices and objects around them for making music. Rap was a spoken type of music influenced by scat singing. Rap was poetry syncronized with an instrument with a quick, short sound to give it sync with the syllables of words. In the ghetto they probably used trashcans. In the 70's people had used the technique of "scratching" with records. In the 80's came Run-D.M.C. who used scratching, drums, and used guitarists in some songs came and pretty much created rap for what it was by definition: poetry in motion, and poetry has rhyme scheme or meter but rap follows both of those. In the 90's there were rappers like Tupac and Notorious B.I.G. who would rap about the streets. These rappers used beatboxes, and beatboxes still had the quick, short beat that fit rap.

Modern Rap

At the turn of the millenium, after Tupac and Notorious B.I.G.'s deaths. Rappers were following the theme that they set, the problem with these rappers were: they acted too egotistic and rap became all about money and image. And to look richer more rappers used synthesizers in their music. Synthesizers, have a more constant beat, not the quick short one that fits rap. Also the poetry was dropping too, and rap is "poetry in motion" so what is called rap these days isn't even rap.

My opinion on modern rap and modern rappers

Modern rap sucks ass! Half the modern rappers aren't from the streets and to make it look like they are, they have to rap about the streets which they know nothing about. Modern rappers also rap about image. A modern rap song sounds like "everybody likes me, look at my shoes" and shit like that. The thing is nobody likes them. There aren't as many rap fans as there used to be, even the wiggers don't listen much to modern rap. Some rapper/rap group better come along with poetic meter and rhyme and the good sync of drums with syllables. And not sound like a repetetive dipshit(s) that only know(s) two words.
modern rap fan: did you hear the new chamillionare song?
intelligent person: I prefer to listen to good rap like Run-D.M.C., not dumbasses like chamillionare who mispronounce words to try and make them rhyme because they don't know how to rhyme.
by Joe725 March 11, 2007
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Shit that was eaten by a dog and shitted out again, then eaten by an elephant and shitted out again, then eated by a monkey and shitted out again, then eaten by a bear and shitted out again, then eaten by a gorilla and shitted out again, then eaten by a horse and shitted out again, then eaten by a deer and shitted out again, then eaten by the same dog and shitted out again.
modern hip-hop is like shit that was eaten by a dog and shitted out again, then eaten by an elephant and shitted out again, then eated by a monkey and shitted out again, then eaten by a bear and shitted out again, then eaten by a gorilla and shitted out again, then eaten by a horse and shitted out again, then eaten by a deer and shitted out again, then eaten by the same dog and shitted out again.
by Joe725 August 9, 2007
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Pronounced fog.
Combination of fag and faux. A male who pretends to be homosexual in order to become close to females.
That guy is a complete faug, he glares at her boyfriend a lot and he's always all over her.
by Joe725 April 12, 2008
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The stretching of something being said to make it much longer than it could easily be. It is usually done because the speaker feels what they said is not enough, wants to hear them self talk or wants to make what they say more confusing.

The way they stretch it is by adding similes and metaphors that basically say the same exact thing as what they originally said.
Verbal masturbation

The inquiring man is not liked for he is the hungry lion who wants more food. It is the people who are unwilling to feed his mind like there are only so many gazelle. His hunger makes the other lions tremble and begin to hate his lifelong quest for knowledge. He will never have enough and the others do not wish to put up with him, so he is always alone. Like a man who steals the money of his peers and has become rich, and hated by others. Though the others could have easily become rich because the money was up for grabs. The rich man benefits from his quest for knowledge and is hated for doing better.


An intelligent and curious person is not liked.
by Joe725 August 5, 2008
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The greatest guitarist who ever lived, his compositions were amazing.

And to cakeslob how unconventionally you can play doesn't determine your skill.

If I could play a Simple Plan song with my ass would that mean I was talented? No, because Simple Plan songs are horrible and simple.

Yes Jimi did string it so that it wouldn't be upside-down, so what? Playing upside-down isn't even hard, you just have to up-strum on chords.

You're the "N00b" (and a tool for even using that word), I bet you don't even play guitar.

Jimi Hendrix was a genius and by the way it takes more than talent to become that amazing in a few years, he started guitar when he was 16 and died at 27 so he only played for 11 years of his lifetime. Within a few years he was Godly at guitar. People have played longer than he has lived and haven't even come close.
n00b; "Liek ,omgosh, Hendrix played a right handed guitar even though he is left handed what skill"
Educated; "Not really. Hendrix strung his guitar alternately, so it would be exactly like playing a left handed guitar. Aside from the way the body is shaped, nothing changes in fingering or picking at all."


The guy who wrote that stupid example knows nothing about guitar and is a tool, and bases a guitarists skill on his opinion of the music.

He didn't even use correct quotation marks at the top showing he is an idiot who doesn't know 1st grade punctuation.
by Joe725 April 25, 2007
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Also CRH.

Someone who only listens to Classic Rock and dislikes all modern music.

They usually listen to these bands

- Led Zeppelin
- The Beatles
- The Doors
- Pink Floyd
- The Who
- Jimi Hendrix

They usually only listen to 2 or 3 of them regularly. Classic Rock-Heads condemn modern music when they probably never heard any due to them listening to Led Zeppelin all day. The only modern band they know of is Fall Out Boy, they usually never heard any of their music but condemn them because another Classic Rock-Head did.

Classic Rock-Heads believe any guitarist past 1990 has no talent. Therefore they have no interest in Tom Morello. They also think Velvet Revolver is bad and say Slash is bad now.

Although Classic Rock is good they think that no other music is good.
person: Check out this song
classic rock-head: Is it modern?
person: No its from the 70's
classic rock-head: Who is it? Its good!
person: Its The White Stripes, Jimmy Page was in that band.
classic rock-head: Awesome! This music rocks, but not as much as Led Zeppelin
person: Haha, its modern music! And the guitarist is Jack White!
classic rock-head: I knew it! I never liked it!
by Joe725 October 23, 2007
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